Chapter XII

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So I was reading back on this and realized for some reason not all of the chapter got published. I don't know what happened, I'm updating this chapter again to hopefully fix that issue.

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It broke the spell. 

Usually it takes weeks, but this time, it only took a few days. A part of me knew Livia wasn't a virgin, but my beast never accepted it.

When I found out the truth, I could barely hold back the demon as it clawed to the surface of my mind. It tore my mind apart trying to emerge.

"Mine! Let me claim whats mine!" The beast growled aloud.

It's been emerged for days now despite me trying to submerge it. I sat in the back of my mind, allowing it to finish it's trantrum.

"Little whore allowing men to take what's mine!"

"Enough!" I roared from the back of my mind. My demand silenced the demon, I would not allow it to use my vocal cords for cruel words towards my mate.

I was surprised it spoke more than one word at a time. The beast is a manifestation of my rage, so speaking was never it's strong suit.

The demon was growing weak. The longer it stayed surfaced, the more strength I'd get to take back over. I waited patiently in the back of my mind for the beast to settle down.

After a few more minutes, it paced and yanked at the bonds on my wrists.

"Relinquish control." I demanded calmly.

The beast snarled, "I take what's mine!"

The beast tensed when someone entered the room. Due to it being weaker, what I saw was only a blur compared to not being able to feel a thing and only remembering blackness.

"Oh, Valak, are you throwing another fit?" I strained my ears to take in the voice. Selena.

The beast huffed in annoyance as she came inches from me.

"This wouldn't be the first time I've had to submerge the demon itself." She said while removing her cardigan, "But you never fail to satisfy us both."

She removed her dress slowly, then came back in front of me.

"Don't worry, Valak, this doesn't count for you." Selena mocked, knowing I was nearing the surface.

She placed her hands in my chest and glided them down my torso. When they got to the waistline of my slacks, my beast surprised us both by grabbing her wrists and yanking them from my skin.

It's hold on her wrist tightened painfully as it leaned into her ear.

"Not. Yours." It growled dangerously low.

Selena stepped back in shock. Even I was struggling to comprehend it's actions. Usually the beast will take any woman whether she offered herself or not.

"Mate." It's voice was even lower, it revealed it's true voice it uses in my head.

Selena nodded understandingly and slipped her clothing back on. When she was fully clothed, she came as close as the beast would allow and casted the submerge spell.

Slowly, I came forward and all of my senses became clearer. Selena's figure came into focus. Orcus was in the room in an instant after I mindlinked him. After he undid my chains, I stepped to Selena with a furious gaze. 

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