Chapter XXXVI

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"Stop it, that tickles!" I giggled as Valak's lips pecked kisses all over my baby bump.

"Baby likes my kisses." He mumbled against my belly.

Scarlett had just left the room after my sixteen week checkup. Our baby was growing healthy, and slightly faster than a human baby. It's a little hard on my body, but it'll be worth it.

Valak placed one more kiss on my belly before rising to his feet, but not before pecking my nose. His hands held my waist and pulled me closer until my belly bumped his crotch.

"I have many things to do today." He sighed. A frown I tried preventing crossed my features. He's been so sweet lately, I really didn't want him to go.

I nodded, "Okay, do what you have to do then." I said with an encouraging smile.

"I know this isn't ideal, love. But I do the things I do to keep you safe. Once my plans are set in motion and prove to be successful, we can go anywhere in the world you want to live. How does that sound?" He offered with a sexy smirk.

I tilted my head, "It sounds too perfect." I chuckled unbelievingly.

Valak's thumb and finger held my chin firmly, "Nothing will ever be perfect enough for you, but that doesn't mean I won't try."

I shook my head as a smile play on my lips, "Whatever, you cheeseball."

"Cheeseball?" Valak's eyebrows furrowed. I playfully rolled my eyes and pushed at his firm chest.

"Forget it." I said with a small chuckle. Sometimes I forget he's not completely in tune with my era.

"I won't be back for a few days, but Lilith and Scarlett are around here somewhere. There are also guards all over the island.

"Okay." I replied. He gave me a quick peck before leaving the room. I listened for the faint sound of his sports car taking off before letting out a sigh.

. . . . . One day later . . . . .


"The deal was to never make an appearance as king again, Valak. Doing this will completely contradict the bargain you agreed to." Orcus all but spat.

Some elders around the conference table nodded in agreement.

"They won't see it coming." Cristopher said, agreeing with my plan.

"Why don't we take a vote--"

"Last I checked, I make the official decisions. We don't need to vote." I growled.

"Bombarding your overthrown kingdom with our soldiers and allied lycans isn't going to ensure immediate success. They enslaved the first lot. There are still nosferatu all over the world. They've spread just as we have." Another elder said.

"Why don't we just kill the bloody fucker!" Another elder shouted. I refrained all emotion from my features before any could cross.

"Because they wanted something simple--" I half lied, "Their leader wanted my place on the thrown over all species. Allowing him temporary access will cloud his head. Have him drunk on the power he think he's obtained. It's one thing to overthrow a kingdom, and it's another to have one handed to you. He's good at bargaining; and eye for an eye. But what he lacks is the physical skill to take our younger, much larger populated species head on. What they have in strength, we have in numbers." I explained.

There were far more nods than before. Faces twisted in deep thought. My eyes flicked to Orcus who offered a court nod in respect.

He smirked, "So, the coward is merely keeping your thrown warm?" That earned earned a few chuckles.

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