20| Shift and Shock

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Dedicated to: @SkyBay1234

Thank you for the numerous votes buddy!


"If hell truly does exist, I'm willing to bet Satan took notes when he watched me watch you walk away"

~Marissa B. Crane

Claire's POV

Cade had no mettle left to get off the floor whatsoever. Karma did him good.

But fate happened to Logan and a janitor, passing by us, happened to witness this bedlam and somehow concluded that Logan was harassing Cade.

Cade was carried to the nursing room while Logan was dragged into the Principal's office.

Principal Bullard was a towering, perky guy. His attitude was usually unflustered, quite calm for a principal. Logan and I were two of his favorite students, especially Logan who was pretty much his companion.

His neatly trimmed chestnut hair was combed in place, his suit hung smartly on his broad shoulders. Raging dark brown eyes glared at us from behind a pair of thin glasses as we sat opposite to him at the principal's desk.

His intertwined hands were resting on the top of the desk as he took a deep breath and spoke up. His voice contained a hint of anger, but his facade was calm "The person who has been winning the 'writer of the year' award for the past three years, topping science in the junior year and has been known for his intellectual has suddenly started to run around hurting people? What happened to you, Logan Walker?"

Logan leaned back on is chair, arms crossed across his chest and fuming eyes hastily scanning the room. For a moment I thought he wouldn't be able to answer.

Then, he looked straight into Principal Bullard's eyes. Confident and stern, he exclaimed "There might be a little misunderstanding Mr. Principal. I shouldn't be the person who should be here in the office"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to say Walker. You shouldn't be here, but now you're, so you owe us an explanation" Principal Bullard was starting to get more pissed off every second and I seemed to just sit there staring at their faces.

"Actually..." Logan imitated him, resting his arms on the desk, fingers intertwined "I don't. The janitor only saw what happened in the end, he didn't witness who began all this fuss in the first place. He only saw how brutally I beat Cade but he didn't see the papers lying torn and crumpled on the floor, holding all of Claire's hardwork of weeks"

Dammit Logan, you douche, don't drag me in!

I expected him to stop there but he didn't.

"People never try to dig deeper into the problem, they only see what's on the surface" his voice kept rising "What about the emotional pain that they gave us for years? Yes I admit it was a horrible thing to beat him so badly and I'm ready to accept any kind of punishment but this needs to get out of my chest"

Logan spoke with frustration, waving his fist in the air or occasionally banging the desk "Principal Bullard, I don't know if you know this but I know many people who are being bullied viciously here in the school premises and it makes them suicidal. They are never able to express their concerns due the fear that if the bullies get in trouble, they're gonna fall in even more trouble"

"Mr. Walker, I realize–"

But Logan didn't let the principal speak "With all due respect Mr. Principal, I honestly don't think the problem is with the bullies. But you know what the real problem is? Everybody else. Everybody else is the real problem including the students and the school staff because nobody cares about them–"

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