Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 22

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A/N: If you didn't know, I was extremely flustered and sheepish getting through that last chapter as I can be a typically descriptive person and I tried not to be too vulgar but there was a warning so for those who can't take intimacy, you knew to skip down. XD
Feels good to be getting back into the swing of things.

Mated To The Dragon - Chapter Twenty Two

Scarlet rolled on her side. A shiver ran down her body, and she became conscious of the fact the enticing aroma of her Bounder and his looming warmth was no longer there. Her eyes shot open, and she sat up, looking around the lit cave. "Dargon?" She knew he was leaving - knew he was gone, but she wasn't prepared for this. Couldn't accept it yet. She hadn't wrapped her head around it wholly, and she thought that if she called out for him . . . Maybe he'd answer.

Damn his sexiness, he'd strayed her mind away from the important matters last night.

"He left . . . A while ago."

Scarlet snapped her eyes to the entrance. Maria stood with a plate in hand. "Good morning. I brought food,"

She inhaled.

Pig meat, also known as bacon, medium rare antelope, fresh eggs, and the watery yet fruity scent of ripe watermelon. The wolves back at base must have had a feast.

Her stomach growled, and she quickly pulled herself up to her feet, brushing off the back of the clothes she didn't even remember getting dressed into. "Smells delightful." She tried to be polite. Even though she was freed of her pack - for the time being - she felt like she should respect Maria as a Luna still. She wanted to trust her, she was just scared. That maybe Maria was using her for something, drawing her closer and closer to meet her downfall.

"I'm sure you'll like it. I know you haven't eaten in a while." Her confident, intimidating bodice and strong dominating fragrance started to close the gap between the two ladies, and Scarlet took a big step back. By now she was used to the feeling of being protected. Without Dargon, she felt like an Omega again. She felt alone. If she were in wolf form her tail would be tucked between her legs and her ears flattened against her head.

Stopping in her tracks, Maria read her performance, and slowly edged down to sit the plate on the ground. Without saying anything, she turned, and left.

Scarlet immediately felt bad, but closed her eyes and sucked in a breath. She needn't worry about a thing. She was mated. Dargon would be back for her very soon and nothing would have to concern her because he wouldn't leave her again. She smiled to herself, and retrieved the plate. It smelled delicious. It was best she ate and let all her issues dissolve in the meal.


Another full belly. Something she also had to get used too. Eating a meal that wouldn't likely kill her. Maria was so generous. She just wondered why she waited until now to take a stand. Scarlet had been abused since she was eight. Maria never took up for her or helped her. In fact, she was almost always nowhere to be found when she really needed someone.

Again, Scarlet made the attempt to push away her terrors and keep her present in the front of her mind. Visions of all that had happened surfaced, and she felt a familiar heat from the center of her legs. A weakness overcame her, and her face turned red. At least she had that memory before he went. It engraved itself in her soul.

She staggered back to the cave wall, and slid down until she was sitting. Her legs would eventually give out on her if she remained on her feet. She needed to process everything. Did that really happen? Did he really make love to her? Was it just a teasing dream?

She lowered her fingers to the creasing of her pants with one hand, where he'd touched her and brought her to an orgasm so effortlessly. Then she let her other hand graze over her neck until she felt the tender spot where he'd sucked and nipped at her skin - further claiming her.

Proof. It was real.

She let her head relax against the wall, and her eyes drifted closed again. She wanted to grasp that again. Grasp that passion, and relive it once more. It reminded her that she wasn't a mistake and she wasn't pathetic. She had found the one. The right one. The real one. Her Bounder.

But the more she thought about it, the more she yearned for him. She whimpered, and brought both of her hands up to hold her face. How was she going to do this? How could she not crave for the thing that took her out of her misery and guided her into the light? She told herself that patience was key. That if she waited this long, she could wait a little more.

But it was hard . . . Boy, was it hard.

It proved a obstacle to be patient when you knew how great the reward was.

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