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A/N: Hi! This insert will be the Epilogue of Mated To The Dragon, a special book that has went through years in the making. And when I say that, I mean it.

Guys, I'm looking back on my old chapters and a part of can't even keep my eyes on the book. I am so extremely embarrassed with that younger side of me. XD

I actually feel like crying, because its been so long. In two months MTTD will reach its three year debut/anniversary. Its an incredible feeling. <3

And oh my Gosh, I have so many chapters with just A/Ns. They say keep your work life and your personal life separate but you guys, as a part of my work life, make my personal life worth it!

I just figured I owed all of you guys an explanation as to the times I were away, or apologies, for the ones who still kept my book in their library and went through even the long haul of an entire year without an update. After this Epilogue concludes, Mated To The Dragon(MTTD) will have officially come to a end. Thank you. <3

Mated To The Dragon- The Final Chapter

"Mommy, Daddy! I did it! I finally did it!" A four and a half year old Davick ran up to Dargon's open arms, crashing into his solid body with an explosion of giggles. "It happened!"

Scarlet's mouth was molded into a wide smile as Dargon hoisted his growing son up and into the air to spin him around. Davick was naked - his clothes torn; never to be used again, and he couldn't be happier. He'd finally made the big accomplishment the family had been waiting for.

"We're so proud of you, love. You're a big boy now, what was it like shifting for the first time?"
The counter species of her children could easily be mistaken as that of a beast seeking to do harm, she understood that now that she'd seen it for herself. They truly were unique. She still loved them though, she would die before she let anyone do anything to hurt them.

Scarlet pulled herself up from the love seat and joined the two men of her life. She stroked Davick's cheek in her new Husband's arms. They'd finally got married. It'd been such a long delay, but the twins kept them insanely preoccupied. Marriage was the last thing on their minds. All they knew, was that they wanted it to happen at a time where they could wholly enjoy it as a family, and their kids could attend and be of help to make it all the more memorable.

And it was. A day neither of the four would forget.

"It hurt . . ." Davick wrapped his arms around his father's neck before Dargon could lower him back down to the ground, and clung to him. Dargon closed his eyes and very softly rubbed his back. He knew it did. It hurt for him too when he were younger. "It'll get better," He kissed his temple and set his feet down to the floor. He towered over the young boy tremendously. Davick looked up to his dad, like Dargon did to his own. It was a special bond, one that began to form the day he were born.

Two small feet trudged into the family room, and all eyes went to her - Amariah. She was a couple inches taller than her twin brother, and a little bit more husky too. She held a little of her baby fat in contrast to her more thinner sibling, but nothing less of beautiful through their eyes.

Her face was rounded, and her pajamas wrapped around her, but she was perfect, and you could still clearly see the similarities between her and her brother. They looked just alike, yet so different. Scarlet and Dargon knew Ama would eventually grow into her body at the same time Davick would start to pick up the weight he was still missing out on after so long.

With droopy green eyes signalling her transfer into consciousness from her dreamy state of sleep, she looked around the room - her little pink bear from her earlier youth dangling from her small fingers.

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