Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 37

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Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Thirty Seven

Scarlet was quiet for a long time. She couldn't stop thinking about what Marlow said. She could have spat anything she wanted about Scarlet, but to put her baby in it was a different story. What did she mean with? Was she trying to say something was going to happen? Was her child okay . . . ?

When concern consumed her, her mind went into overdrive. The constant swaying and wind in her face pushed her to feel drowsy though, and with nothing to do but hold onto her Dragon Bounder as they distanced themselves further and further from the pack, she craved rest. She moved forward. Her tummy pressed against his back and she laid down as best as she could. It was uncomfortable, but it wasn't unbearable. She couldn't wait until they stopped, and she could stretch her legs again. They'd only stopped once so she could relieve her bladder, and where Dargon mentally talked her through paying something called a water and light bill for some place he claimed they'd arrive at in due time. That must be how the pack house had the perks it did. She was never in charge of paying anything though.

She'd requested another stop But Dargon told her the more breaks they took, the longer it'd take for them to get to their destination - which - he also never told her where they were going to begin with.

When her mind cleared over, she remembered she was sleepy, and closed her eyes, hoping that after the hour and a half flight they'd already gotten out the way, it wouldn't be much longer.


Dargon carefully laid Scarlet down on the couch. Was it him or did she feel a little heavier than usual? Maybe it was just the time he'd spent away. Or she'd gotten a good amount of food in her system. He'd hoped so at least. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. It was close to evening, and the sun was already settling to welcome the stars and moon of night. Dargon had freshly shifted back, therefore he was still without clothes, but he'd made sure the coast was clear or those who witnessed him would have probably had some very vulgar opinions regarding a nude man carrying an unconscious girl into a house.

He'd earned the place from his parents, before they were slaughtered. After all this time he was sure it wouldn't still be up but it was. Things were a little dusty and there wasn't electricity still as it seemed when he tried to flick a light, but it was a decent sized home that he'd crafted many memories in growing up.

He smiled to himself, then stepped away from the light switch, wandering to where he remembered his father's bedroom to be. They'd paid a lot of money in the past to keep this house belonging to them with every lick of furniture unmoved. He knew the drawers would be full of his dad's old clothes, and his mom hopefully had some things that could fit Scarlet even though Naomi, his mother, was a tad bit bigger than his Beloved.

He wiped some dust off of the wooden drawers, and then he pulled the top one open. As expected, several of his father's clothes layered the drawer. Some of the outfits he recognized, and he smiled sadly. He pulled one of the plaid shirts out, following with it some beige pants. He hoped they still smelled familiar when he brought them to his nose but his dad's scent was long gone. He blew out a small sigh, and held the clothes close to him as he left the room and went towards the door of the bathroom.

He saw claw marks there, from where Dargon had went through his first shift and practiced concentration by using the strong door for support. He was so much smaller then. Four or five.

He twisted the knob and let himself in. He didn't care much about the the particles of dirt here and there. He'd get everything straightened up for his mate. He wanted this house to be the place where they had all those beautiful milestones at. Maybe he could propose to her here, and she'd possibly even have their first child there like his mother did to him. He smiled at the thought of making her his wife and bringing forth their first baby.

He was still blinded to the truth that one of those things was already put into motion.

When he went over to the shower, he twisted the discolored nozzle. It squeaked. He hoped the water people had at least made it there to turn it on seeing as that the ones for power didn't.

As he'd thought that, cold water sprayed from the shower head. Deciding he didn't want to wait five or ten minutes for the water to heat up with dried blood over his slightly injured body, he pushed the bathroom door closed and stepped into the shower.

Cold water was better than no water. He wasn't being picky. As long as his mate was in the other room, that's all that mattered to him.


A/N: Like this chapter if you made it to the end! <3
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