Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Pride and Proof

" Do not take someone's silence as his pride, perhaps he is busy fighting with himself"

" Hello little sister. Have you missed me?"

I glared at him. " I am not your sister. I had one brother."

He shook his head. " You have 2 brothers and had 3. Dad wouldn't be too happy if he heard you talk about our family like that." He tutted mockingly, shaking his head once again.

" I don't care what Dad would say. " I clenched my fists. " My family is dead."

" Mom, Dad and Asher are dead. You still have two brothers."

I laughed despite nothing being funny. "A...Ash...Asher was my family, yes. And perhaps mom at some point. But you and dad? You were never my family. Astrid was my family. Shae was my family. Saywer was my family. Hayden was my family. Devil was my family. Scarlett, Jayce, Oli, Addy, Dylan, River, Erin, Jesse, Xander. They were my family. Taylor was my family. B...Becca was my family. Not you. Not Dad. Not Mom. Not him."

" Did you miss me Ally?" He asks again, a hint of a devilish grin in his poisonous eyes.

" No," I reply, stopping my real feelings from creeping up my throat and satisfying his cruel curiosity.

" You're still not a very convincing liar." Tyler taunts, grinning at me threateningly. " You can't even say his name without stuttering, is the guilt still eating you alive?"

" I've got nothing to feel guilty about! You're the one who killed him, not me." I spat, furiosity itching my skin.

I want to kill him.

I want to make him suffer.

Just like he did...

" But you provoked me into doing it." Tyler chided harshly. " He was always my favourite and you just had to push me too far."

" No." I denied. " It wasn't my fault. None of it was my fault."

" You never behaved... Everything that happened could have been avoided." He tutted loudly. I could sense the confusion leaking off everybody but I ignored it.

" It was you! All you! And your stupid delusions. It was not my fault that my best friend is dead."

" Asher wasn't your best friend." Tyler shook his head. " He was a pathetic little b*tch."

I flipped.

My hand reached for my gun as I lept forward to him. A cold hand grasped my waist and held me back as I tried to attack the sick monster in front of me.

" Get the f*ck off me. Let me kill him. Let me kill him. Get off me. I'll f*cking kill you. I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I ever f*cking do." I screamed. He laughed once again before disappearing with Bain.

The hands released me and I put my gun up to Brookes head and moved my face towards his. " If. You. Ever. F*cking. Do. That. Again. I'll. Put. A. Bullet. Through. Your. Head."

He stepped back cautiously, holding his hands up. " Woah Alexi, I didn't know that you knew Tyler. And if I did, I wouldn't have got you involved, I understand if you want to back out. I wouldn't want to go against my brother either."

I sent him a 'Are you f*cking stupid' look and heard two stiffed laughs near me, coming from Grayson and Jacoby.

" Are you f*cking deaf or just extremely stupid?" I questioned, feeling sickened. "I told him that he should've stayed dead for a reason."

" And that was?" Brooke pushed, narrowing his eyes slightly at me.

" Because I killed him for a reason." Brooke took another step back and stared at me in shock.

Jacoby spoke up, " You tried to kill your own brother? Why?!" I quickly studied the faces of the people around me. Most looked suspicious, some looked confused but as always, Grayson just looked void.

What a surprise.

" Yes I did." I confirmed, Jacobys eyes widened but he didn't reply.

But Brooke did. " Why did you try to kill him?"

I remained silent, suddenly taking an interest in my shoes.

" Is it to do with Asher?" My head shot up and I glared daggers at him.

How dare he.

" No comment." I stated, the gun in my hand became lighter and begged me to shoot.

Grayson's eyes zeroed in on my hands. " Don't. Trust me, it won't be worth it. You might as well just tell him, us, because we won't rest until we know."

I stared suspicously at him after noticing his slip up.


Did that mean Grayson knew?

Just how much background research did these people do on me?

They better not know.

" Asher was my best friend." I muttered, almost unwillingly. I hated talking about him.

" I thought Becca was your best friend? And what about the others you mentioned?" Brooke interogated.

" Not now!" I demanded, glaring at him. Shaking my head as the memories threatened to invade.

" Yes now! I want to know what sort of a person I'm working with! Who is Asher and did you kill him?"

" No! I didn't kill him." I shouted loudly, my voice echoing into the night. " I am a murderer. I have hurt people. I've killed people. But I've never hurt anybody innocent. The people I mentioned before were members of the gang. Becca was my best friend but so was Taylor, Astrid, Hayden, Addy, Devil. We were all a family. Tyler's my older brother but I despise him. Asher was my twin brother. He... He died when we were 16."

" You lost your twin brother?" Jude repeated, his voice laced with pity.

I hate pity.

" Yep."

" What was it like? Losing a twin?" Jude questioned quietly. I looked behind him and took a deep, shaky breath.

" Have you ever heard about them stupid ideas that twins can feel the same thing and have like some sort of sixth sense?" I asked, replying when they nodded their heads. " Well for me it was true. We always knew what each other were feeling and thinking, it was annoying at times but truly amazing. We were inseparable, more like best friends than brother and sister. And when Tyler killed him, I felt like a part of me had been ripped out. I felt like I'd lost a part of myself, that I wasn't whole anymore. I've never felt the same way that I felt before I lost my brother. He was more myself than I was. Whatever our souls are made of; his and mine were the same. And now it's gone."

It's all gone.

Because of him...

Because of my darling big brother.

He was going to pay for all the pain he has caused.

He should've stayed dead while he had the chance.

There is nothing I do better than revenge.

I vow to show them all why storms are named after people.

Game on brother. Game on.


Chapter 6 is up! I know it's short but Chapter 7 is going to be very long.

Please vote and comment to let me know what you think! I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you so much for reading!!

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