Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"In what you thought I didn't see, Is where I saw the most."

I never thought I'd end up back here.

I stared at my opponent, focusing on her cold, dark eyes.

The crowd began to chat and cheer for their old favorite; Alexi Clarke.

The crowd began to chat and cheer for me.

And this seemed to anger the woman stood in front of me, she looked dangerous, destructive.

I grinned at her as I remembered the only rule that was brought into the fighting pit.

No weapons. 

She didn't stand a chance.

The only difference between boxing and street-fighting is that in a boxing ring, there's a referee to stop the opponents from killing each other. Whereas in a street-fighting pit, no one was there to stop us. I could snap her neck easily and no one would bat an eyelid.

The woman seemed to realise that as well, a flash of fear shone through her eyes before quickly disappearing into a sea of hate.

It wasn't clear to me or the audience who threw the first punch, but suddenly my fist was slamming into her face while she sunk her fist into my stomach. Her mouth swam with blood as she choked on it. She stumbled away from me for a brief second to catch her breath and spit her blood out onto the floor before diving back at me, her eyes narrowing in determination.

I dodged her fist and came up with my own, causing her sapphire blue eyes to widened before she managed to tilt her bloody head back and slam it into mine. Stars instantly burst into my vision but I shook it off, before expertly throwing a strong kick to her ribs.

She bent over, clutching her ribs as the hit reached her. Her eyes caught mine, she glared at me.

" Monster."

I growled and threw myself at her, my blood hummed in my veins as determination and anger took over. 

I sent one final hit to her head, aiming for the one place that was saved for the last hit.

I hit it full force, knocking her unconscious in mere seconds.

The fight had only lasted for a minute, or less, but the adrenaline in my veins only excited me further. 

I didn't know why I ever stopped coming to the pit, I belonged here. Surrounded by anger, and blood, and death.

All monsters belonged here, surrounded by other monsters.

" Who's next?"


" Where have you been? Brooke wanted to talk to you." Evan interrogated as soon as I walked through the door.

" Out." I went into the kitchen instantly and began washing the blood off my hands, wincing slightly as the water hit my open wounds.

Evans breath hitched as he stared at my fucked up hands.

" How....?" He stared at me in shock, " Street fighting?"

I looked at him but didn't answer. I then took off my blood-stained shirt, leaving me in a black tank top. I shoved it into the laundry basket and poured myself a shot of vodka, quickly downing it.

I sat down on the counter, pouring myself shot after shot while Evan watched me carefully. Despite all the alcohol I was consuming, it had a very little affect on me.

" You changed him, you know? He's different to how he was before I was taken." Evan commented, his voice coming out quieter than I'd ever heard it.

" How so?" 

" He's tougher, more ruthless. He doesn't give a shit about anything anymore, not even me." He mentioned, averting his gaze away from me.

" That's good." I replied nodding, " It's easier for him to survive if nothing hurts him."

" I disagree completely," Evans eyebrows furrowed, " Family makes you stronger, not weaker." 

I went to reply but Evan continued, " Family gives you a purpose. Whats the point of fighting against the bad guys without having a purpose?"

And with that statement, he left the room without looking back.

I gave up on the shots and began taking swigs out of the bottle, thinking back to the time when I actually had a family.

I ran around with the red balloon, laughing as Asher chased after me. 

Dad, Tyler and Cole sat on the porch. Daddy was smiling at us while Tyler and Cole were laughing about something.

Today was one of the rare moments where all the family, not including Cole, were together and Daddy was sober. 

I let go off the balloon and laughed as went up into the sky. Asher sulked and crossed his arms but I knew that he wasn't angry at me.

" Ashy, Lexi, come here." Daddy called out. I looked at Asher before I started running to the porch with my twin brother following me.

" Ty Ty." I called out before running into my older brothers open arms and letting him swing me around before he clutched me tightly to his chest.

" Hey Ally." I hugged my big brother and grinned as Asher hugged Daddy. 

" I missed youuuu." I drawn out in my small voice. I watched Cole roll his eyes at me so I jumped down from Ty's arms, clenched my fist tightly together and hit the boy on his leg.

Cole cried out and clutched his leg, but other then that he didn't react. I giggled as Tyler tried to hide his chuckle. 

" I love you Ally." He grinned at me, his dark eyes glittering against the warm sun.

" Love you too Ty Ty." 

I took another drink of the burning liquid, thinking back to the last normal day I could remember. My father was entirely sober for that entire day, Cole wasn't cruel and Tyler was actually kind to me. 

I used to admire my older brother more than anyone yet now, nobody else repulses me as much as he does.

My father created a monster.

Becca ran rapidly into the room, ignoring the fact I had an empty spirit bottle in my hand. Her eyes were frightened, a sign that something bad has happened or was going to happen. I immediately sobered up and stared expectantly at my sister. Evan followed after her, his eyes empty and blank. 

" Alexi, they're coming." She whimpered, " They're coming for us all." 


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