Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say I understand who you want me to be but I'm going to show you who I actually am."

Alexi Clarkes POV: 

" Because Tyler's got something that I want, and I'm not leaving until I've got it." I looked into Brookes eye, not letting my hesitant gaze falter away from the cold look in his irises. 

" Care to share?" Jacoby pushed further, his eyes colder and more rough. But despite the strong facade, I could see the calmness among the storm swirling around him. That boy always had a peaceful demeanour that I couldn't completely fathom, perhaps he reminded me of someone. 

" Not really." I gazed at Becca for support, yet she stared at Jude so I followed her gaze. The man I once knew had changed his appearance somewhat. Messy hair, darkened clothing. 

Scarred face.

White gashes lined up his face, and his arms. They covered him in all the places that I could see. 

" Who?" Becca asked, aiming the question for the man. His eyes widened but he didn't respond. 

None of them did.

It looked like we weren't the only ones who changed.

" None of your damn business. " He growled, staring daggers at both of us.

Just then, the door slammed open and the smell of Domino's hit my nostrils. I looked at Becca and smirked. 

" Guess what guys?!" The masculine voice said, as the smell of Domino's slowly but certainly made its way towards us. " Domino's had a buy 1 get 1 free sale on! Isn't that amaz-" Sawyer drifted off, looking from me to Becca, and from Becca back to me.

" No way." He blinked rapidly, head looking back to forth at me and my sister.

" Hey Sawyer." Becca breathed out, I knew it was difficult for her to see him. It was too close to the anniversary and the wounds from our families deaths were reopening. 

" Bec, Lex." He placed the pizza down and hugged us both and swung us around. He stopped as a sudden realisation hit him, " Lex...isn't it..?" He left the question unfinished.

I nodded my head, keeping my face passive. 

" What are you guys talking about?" Brooke almost demanded, looking more infuriated by the second.

" My twin brother died 10 years ago today so be very careful how you're speaking to me because I might just slit your throat." I threatened, no longer keeping my patience. " This is whats going to happen and don't you dare try to argue with me."

I looked at the entire gang. " We're going to destroy Tyler, piece by piece. No mercy for monsters."

" What about us?" One of the members spoke up, " Aren't we monsters too?"

" I don't feel like dying again kid." I rolled my eyes. " It's them or us this time." 

" Why do you always talk like we have to kill them? You said that last time. We don't have to kill them, we just have to stop them." Clayton asked, looking at me curiously. 

Becca answered instead of me, " Sometimes there isn't another option. If you don't prepare yourself for murder then you'll lose."

" But we don't have to kill them." Jacoby argued, his eyebrows furrowing as he stared at  me. 

Just then, I noticed Evan stood away from the members. His single gaze on me yet his eyes weren't focused, like he was remembering something.

I'm certain I could guess what he was remembering. 

" Tyler won't rest until I'm dead." My eyes flicked from each person. " He killed my brother, so I killed his. He took Becca, and Sawyer, and Evan. Did he ever tell you what happened to them?" I aimed the question at Brooke but he didn't reply. I stared at Evan to see silent tears running down his small face. " Becca told me. Becca still has nightmares about it. Tyler did that to get me, he killed my family, he tortured my brother and sister. For what? To be granted mercy for everything he fucking did?"

" You didn't kill him." Jude commented, looking at me weirdly.

Grayson approached Evan and hugged him, away from everyone. I snapped my eyes away from the scene and looked straight at Jude.

" Someone like Tyler doesn't deserve an easy death." 

" You're just like him Clarke." 

You're just like him.

" Perhaps I am. But I know that I will get revenge for everything he's done to my family, whether you want to be a part of it or not is up to you." I answered vaguely. 

" We want to kill him just as much as you do, bu-" I interrupted Jude, frustration soon making a comeback in my tone.

" No you don't. You have no idea how bad it is to come home one day and find all of your family dead, without knowing who killed them. I watched my best friend die in my arms. I found the body's of my 13 and 14 year old friends with bullets in their heads and stab wounds in their chests. Don't tell me that you hate him just as much as I do, because I can guarantee that the hatred I feel for him isn't anywhere near the same as yours." I argued back furiously, daring him to reply to me.

He gulped, " I'm sor-"

" Save it for someone who cares."

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