Makeshift Knife

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After unlocking my feet from the bronze table, I had quickly come up with a plan to save George and Lockwood, the plan was pretty terrible, I could spot many errors with it, but after you almost die you start thinking nothing much worse could happen.

Using the broken cuffs I bend myself a makeshift knife with a flat sharp tip. I squatted by the door waiting for one of the scientists in lab coats to come by. A girl with red hair and glasses walked by, with a quick swipe I pulled her into the room cover her mouth with my hand. I put on the scariest face I could muster. She eyed the curved piece of metal in my hand, her eyes fearful. I shook it in her face,

"Where is George Cubbins and Anthony Lockwood!" I said taking my hand from her mouth.

" I d-don't kn-now what you're talking about."

I pushed the knife closer to her neck and she fainted, her glasses falling off her face.

So much for my plan.

Suddenly with a jolt in my stomach I noticed George's name written on the clipboard she had been holding, picking it up I noticed a line of the rooms and what each room held. Next to George's name under the colum testing was strength test. I ran my finger down the line before I found Lockwood's name around 10 rooms away from George's. It was only when slipping out of the room in the young woman's lab coat and holding her clipboard did I notice the cameras, they would know I had escaped.

I tried my best to run as I headed to George's room but it was still difficult to walk in a straight line. As I approached the room I took off my silver necklace Lockwood had given me. Who knew what ghost might be in there and the small silver necklace was all I had in defense. I sighed as I pulled on the wood handle I realized it was locked, with all my might, I rammed into it causing it to splinter open. In the room was George around him was a thin line of iron filings. He he stood against a dirt wall his skin was paper white and when he saw me his eyes widened. Three cold maiden circling around the iron filings and past and an ectoplasm stained chair George's probably threw, any moment they could reach in and grab him. I threw my silver necklace and it passed through all three of them, they faded away, they were very weak which is probably why they had not gotten to George yet. I swooped up my necklace and the two of us booked it, I slammed the remainder of the splintered door as we ran out.

"Are you ok?" I looked at George with worry on my face. He just goggled at me.

" George, what did he do to you?" I asked, he saw my worried face and shook his head and readjusted his glasses.

" I'm ok."

"Are you sure, I think that's the shortest sentence I've ever heard you say."

George glared "This freaky guy was testing the strength of the ghosts on me, of course I'm not ok!"

"You met him to?" I asked.
"He popped in to say hi and bye." George sneered." Wait where is Lockwood?"

"We need to go get him!" I said in panic, "They know I'm out, and that I have saved you, they'll be waiting for us to save Lockwood."

" Well there isn't much we can do-" George started but was cut of from the sound or running echoing off the sleek tile walls.

" We need to go their coming!" I said pushing George up. We rushed to the end of the hall and turned the counter only to be face to face with Axle holding a knife to Lockwood's already pale face. Behind him was a huge group of men and women in disgustingly white lab coats.

Giorgia Lo Russo

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