Axel's dead?

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Axel charged, Lockwood stood rapier ready.

With a rush of wind a ghost ran through the side of Axel, he sputtered for a few seconds and then collapsed onto the floor. I jolted into action throwing salt bombs at the ghost. With the little time we had, we pulled Axel into the iron circle.

"Is he going to die?" I asked as we stared at the shivering form of Axel, who still looked shockingly young the closer you got.

"I've got the emergency ghost touch line. I'll run to use our clients phone." Lockwood said, his eyes still wide and alert. "Though it's not going to look good for business-"

"Lockwood he's dying!"

Lockwood took a deep breath his shoulders went slack. He was smart, trying to calm his emotions. Unlike our friend Axel here. Raising his rapier he ran out into the dangerous woods. I rubbed Axels arms trying to heat his rapidly cooling body. His head lolled around. I slapped his cheek trying to keep his eyes from rolling back until Lockwood got back.

We could hear the ambulance coming from across town.  Axel's left arm was turning blue and spreading. The ambulance arrived shortly and gave Axel an adrenaline shot. Even with the shot he looked sleepy, his eyes drooping. They immediately drove Axel to the hospital.

We stood in silence as the ambulance alarms faded into the depth of the city. We had no choice but to go home.

The next morning Lockwood and Co. decided to give Axel a formal visit.

"Room 107," said the nurse at the counter with an empathetic smile. She must have thought we were friends or family. She put a hand over mine, "he'll be ok." Did I look worried?

we made our way down the hall to the room. I slide the door open, not bothering to knock, Axel's eyes snapped to the door. He looked nervous twitching ever so often, his eyes were sunken he looked nothing like the man I had met before. He laid there on the bed, all his confidence gone.

He tried to rise into his elbows and flinched as he moved his partly blue arm.

"Yippee. He survived." George drawled.

No one spoke.

George scratched his head and continued, "I looked into you. You have a clean record."

"I'd imagine so, my boss is rather good at making problems disappear."

"So your boss is angry because you let us go." Lockwood said. Dispare filled Axel's green eyes.

"It's a lot more complicated than you think," he pulled his good hand through his salt and sweat coated hair, "it's bigger then just me and my little facility. It's a giant organization supported by some people high up in the government."

"The government would never allow people to be tested on." I cut in.

"Only people that wouldn't be missed." George whispered.

The light in the room buzzed, wind blew through the open window causing the curtains to curl and wave.

"What do you mean it's bigger then your facility?" I broke through the awkward quiet.

"There are multiple facilities, each facility wants to have the best information to give to the boss, so they steal each other's info and get crazy test subjects. The boss has high expectations for my facility so we are under a lot of pressure to get new innovative results."

"Like the strength of level 1 iron filings against three cold maidens? I'm sorry I can hardly see how that's innovative." George said referring to the experiment he was forced to be apart of.

"Actually we had been hired by the company Iron Works to do that test so they could put '3 ghost proof' on the boxes for marketing."

George was dumbfounded. This was a lot bigger then we had thought if a company like Iron Works was part of it.

"But by testing you guys I discovered something much more interesting. An auditory listener who could experience the memories of ghosts. It was a break through! But I let it go."

Axel stared at me, I glared back. Lockwood glanced at me.

"Who is it?" George asked, his excitement spiked.

"She never told you?"

Lockwood was silent, I could feel him putting the pieces together. I should tell them. It would be better then Axel telling them.

"Well..." I started " Axel put me through this experiment, It was how humans bodies react to different echoplasm, so he cuffed me on a table next to the ghost at Miss Catherine's house..." I felt as I had swallowed a rock just thinking about the dread I'd felt.

George's eyes went wide with shock, Lockwood completely shut down. I watched his facial features tighten, his grip tightened around where his rapier would be if the hospital hadn't required we leave our weapons at the ground desk.

"I talked to the ghost," I continued,"and using my auditory and feeling skills, she sent me her memories of how she died,"

"But how did you get her to stop?" George said trying to suppress his curiosity and look concerned. It was kinda working.

"I felt empathy toward her and she left." I shrugged.

"You never told us this? Why?" Lockwood said deadly quiet.

"That really amazing Lucy, I can't believe you kept that information from us." George concern was getting over taken by his annoying personality.

"This is the reason I didn't tell you! I knew George would do scientific stuff like he did when I talked with the ghost jar and Lockwood would be mad at me and crazy for revenge, probably ending up dead."

"We'll one's thing is for sure. We aren't going back so you can get a promotion Axel. But we need to know that other people won't come after us... after Lucy." Guilt over came Axel.

"My boss... already knows. I don't care for a promotion. I don't care about any of it. I just care about... my sister." Axel put his face in his hand."

We were in deep trouble.

"What do you mean your sister. Don't make up some bloody lie to trick us." Lockwood said. Axel's face was still in his hands.

"I did all the crap at the facility so my sister wouldn't have to. But now I've messed up royally they'll make her take over- she's only 11. And my boss-" Axel said with venom, "has her and who knows what he'll do when she fails. She's too kind she can't run a facility."

I didn't know what to do. So I looked to Lockwood. His eyes were bright, he chewed on his thumb nail.

He had an idea.

Yes, I know, Axel didn't really die, it's clickbait folks haha.
Giorgia Lo Russo

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