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"Lockwood! Why were you in Lucy's bed?!" George was whisper yelling.

"I told you it was an accident!" Lockwood whisper yelled back trying not to wake me up. My limbs felt like rocks, I hadn't moved positions in my sleep, I felt like a log, my body aching all over. I mumbled a bit and I could feel Lockwood and George starring at me,
"She's waking up!" Lockwood said panicking. George and Lockwood rushed out. I heard a bang and Lockwood whisper cursing,
"George you're too loud!!" They quickly ran down the steps. I reluctantly opened my eyes. Sun light streamed through my curtains, I got up, took a cool shower and pulled on my clothes. A voice in my head said,

"You look terrible"

"Shut up," I mumbled at the ghost jar, I was in no mood to deal with it's gossip.

"Locky's sleeping with you now I see."

I was barley listening to the ghost jar as I brushed my teeth.

"I bet you want to know what the sneak was doing up here? I saw everything."

He spoke in a sickly menacing voice, I half heartedly tossed a wash cloth in the jars direction, spit into the sink, and slipped down the stairs to find Lockwood and George eating breakfast, I grabbed a couple biscuits and poured myself some tea. George and Lockwood kept glancing at each other.

"Lockwood why were you in my bed last night?" I said without looking up from my plate. George quickly stood up and went into the kitchen to clean his plate. Lockwood had turned a dark crimson. He sighed,
"Well I was actually waiting for the detectives to get done talking with you so I could ask you something." He said.

"And what did you want to ask me?" I said with a spark of curiosity. Lockwood rubbed the back of his neck,
"Actually I can't remember." I raised an eyebrow but didn't push.

She looked really cute when she raised her eyebrow like that- wait I can't think that way about her, she would kill me, or worse, quit. She knew I was lying, I was terrible at it when it came to George or Lucy. She slowly got up to put away her plate watching me the whole way to the kitchen.

The real reason I was in her room was I was looking for her sketch book or in other words, diary. I know what you're thinking, why risk your friendship for a sketch book? Well she held all her secrets in there. If anything happened to her when we were kidnaped she would write it all in there. I knew she lied when the detectives interviewed her last night. She was scarily good at lying, I could notice little things that gave her away, such as, twirling her hair or tapping her foot. Yes I do notice these things, it's part of being a good ghost hunter... But not really.

I also new she wrote how she felt about me and George in it, and I wanted that information. What if she fancies George? We couldn't have that messing up the company! Even in my head I knew I was lying, but I couldn't bring myself the real reason.

I went into the basement for rapier practice, to help clear my head. I stabbed Esmeralda spinning in complicated patterns. I needed that book, I decided I needed to distract Lucy while I snuck into her room. Crap! this means I'll have to get George's help. I slipped upstairs to find Lucy drawing on the couch and George cooking lunch. I slipped into the kitchen closing the door firmly so Lucy couldn't hear our conversation.

"George," I said as quickly as I could," You need to distract Lucy while I get her sketch book." He raised an eyebrow,

"You mean the thing she writes every thing she thinks in- why would you want that?" He smiled, his eyes shining with interest.

"I'm concerned," I replied not completely lying. Lucy burst into the room,

"George I'm hungry, are you done with lunch?" She looked at me and George frozen in position, George with a raised eyebrows and a smile and Me with my hands up trying to convince George to distract Lucy. We clicked back into place trying to act normal.

"Hey Luce," I said looking at George," George is researching a case later this week and needs help," I quickly pushed them out the door.
"Lockwood-" Lucy said as I closed the door. I wiped my hands locking the door. I was going to have a heck of a time when they got back but it would be worth it.

I flipped off the stoves before slipping into Lucy's room, the skull in the jar glared at me. I searched through all of Lucy's drawers carful not to mess anything up. I searched for 30 minutes before I felt a loose floor board under my foot, I looked down curiously before prying it up.

Underneath there was a huge collection of things, I wanted to look at them all but I had already spent to much time searching. I grabbed the small blue book with shiny rocks sewn into the spine. I hesitated before opening up the book to the first page, on the page there was a note, it read,

Dear, Lockwood and George,
if you so much as read this book or even look into it I will find out and kill you in front of your mother.
Yours truly,
Lucy Carley.

I was starting to have second thoughts about this book. Mostly because I believed the note. I turned the thick water color paper, it took me a while to understand that I couldn't read the book because it was written in another language. I punched my knee in frustration. Why do you have to be so secretive Lucy?! I turned to the next page to find a small drawing, it was of me and George, it had been colored in water color. It was amazing. Lucy never let me look at her drawings. I flipped through some more drawings, some drawings where of me and her, we started out father from each other but as the time went on and I went deeper into the book we got closer until one of the drawing we were holding hands and running from some type two ghost.

My heart skipped a beat as I reluctantly skipped to the end of the book, on the last page there was a half finished drawing, (the picture she had been drawing on the couch). It was of Lucy cuffed to a table, strips of echoplasm circling above her head, and the ghost we had encountered at Miss Catherine's house. The ghost's part of the drawing had been finished and painted in with blues and grays. I stared at the picture curiously until I heard a noise down stairs, my heart stopped, Lucy and George had somehow got back in. I carefully placed the book back under the floor board and rushed out leaving her room as I had found it.

Wow, that was a long chapter! If you have any recommendations about anything, please tell me in the comments.
Giorgia  Lo Russo

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