Chapter Four

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It had been three days since I was released from the hospital, and I was incredibly relieved. The doctor had taken me for my brain scan and informed me everything looked fine, and the brain swelling had gone down considerably. He gave me some painkillers to take three times a day and cream for the bruises and cuts to aid the healing process and minimise scarring.

Caleb was staying at mine until I got better. Although, he had to go back to work as some problems needed his attention. I was due back at work next week myself. People from the office came to see me at the hospital, bringing flowers and offering me get wells.

I was currently lounging in a nice bubble bath that was lavender scented, trying to soothe my aching body and work my new phone as my other got destroyed in the crash.

I hadn't heard from Xavier since he walked into my hospital room unexpectedly three days ago. I had to say, I was relieved. Men like him were no good. I had Googled him and found he was a twenty-eight-year-old "playboy" and a "cruel businessman that cared for nobody." I wouldn't have described him like that personally. No cruel man would wait outside some stranger's hospital room to offer apologies for a car crash, especially if they could pay off policemen to cover it up and if they had better things to do like run an expensive enterprise. The playboy bit I agreed with. Endless streams of photos were plastered on Google of him and a new woman attached to his arm every day. Countless photos of him romancing women in wine bars and fancy charity fundraisers were on nearly every news website, so the playboy bit seemed correct.

I put down my phone with a sigh and sunk further into the tub enjoying the fact I could relax without anyone bothering me.

After a long soak, I pulled my body out of the bath slowly and with great effort because I was still so achy. I dried off and applied the cream to my body and face carefully as my skin was still tender. My apartment wasn't the best when I saved up enough money it was between my dream car and a fancy apartment. I wanted the car. My apartment wasn't ratty by no means. It just wasn't as lavish as I wished it was. Caleb said I could move in with him at his apartment, but I wanted my own space. I was independent and liked to work for everything I owned.

I sighed deeply when I thought about my car, which was now in pieces. My mechanic had informed me it would cost more to fix than it would to buy, and I simply couldn't afford that right now. I couldn't use insurance money because no police report had ever been filed. My web designing job paid well but not enough to fix my car. Maybe if I hadn't run off to the Bahamas and spent the rest of my savings, I'd think about it but not now.

I made myself some hot tea with lemon and honey, grabbed a blanket and made my way to the sofa to get comfy and watch trashy TV as I was under house arrest, strict orders from the doctor.

I heard a knock on my apartment door a few minutes later and wondered who it could be. I made my way there and opened the door swiftly, but I didn't recognise the face. A tall, well-built guy with blonde hair stood just outside my apartment.

"Er, hello, can I help you?" I questioned the strange man.

"Hello, Miss May. My name is Ray Peters. Mr. Mirallegro has requested you join him outside for a couple of minutes," He kindly stated. My heart started racing when I heard his name. I wondered how he found my address. I thought briefly, but I didn't ponder on it too long. Having that much money must mean you can find out anything, or you could just use Google.

"What's this about?" I asked curiously.

"He has something that may be of interest to you. I am not permitted to speak of anything else."

"Er, yes, okay. Just give me a minute to put on some shoes and a jacket," I replied before rushing to my room and grabbing some sneakers and a black leather jacket. I quickly changed my shorts for a pair of leggings as I had bruises down my legs, and I didn't want him to see them. Hell, even I didn't want to look at the ugly marks.

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