Chapter 1: Crashing

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Chapter 1: Crashing


🍒 Angela 🍒

I was running.

Panting heavily.

Sweating profusely.

I heard some sounds behind me but I didn't care.

The laces of my sneakers were untied.

I wasn't even looking ahead.

That's why I crashed.

And we both fell down.

"Ouch!" The stranger and I exclaimed at the same time.

My head was buried in his chest. (I knew it was a he because he didn't have boobs, nor was he slim like girls). He was fit. He also had muscles. And seemed tall. But I didn't care about any of that, at the moment, I just cared for my life.

I sounded selfish?

Ok, ok, I cared for both of our lives. Happy?!

"Are you just going to stay here or are you going to move? My back's hurting," I heard a deep, husky voice say.

His voice sounded like silk. Deep and masculine. And... I melted right there. How could someone has a voice like that? I already like him and I haven't even seen his face. I think I was lying on him for quite some time when I felt someone jerk me.

"Hello? Did you hear me? I said you're hurting me?"

I realized what he was saying and my eyes widened as I looked up slowly into his'. One word; hot. Tanned complexion, silky brown hair; glassy grey eyes, straight nose and plump pink lips. I was intrigued by him. I was talking about his voice, but he was ten times gorgeous, himself. My breath was caught in my throat and I couldn't speak anything.

He was also staring at me. As if peeking deep through my soul. He had a dazed expression on his face. My cheeks couldn't help but color at his scrutinising gaze.

And then... I felt something poking my thigh. It was hard. My eyebrows furrowed and I carefully reached and touched it. And when I did, he jumped, which caused me to fall backwards.

"Ow!" I glared at him rubbing my back, "What the...?"

He stood up and smirked, looking down at me, "What the... what Angel?"

I gaped at him. How did he know my name? My mouth must be open because he commented on it.

"I know I'm handsome but please close your mouth or you'll catch butterflies." Use your imagination people and imagine him smirking, right now because I.Am.Watching!

I scoffed, "Who said I was thinking about you?"

"The way your mouth was opened and the way you were looking at me, tells me much."

"Aren't you so full of yourself?"

"I am?"

In response I just smiled sarcastically and then scoffed. I sat criss-cross applesauce on the road now. And he was towering over me.

"Aww, look who's trying to be smart, good girl!"

In response, I pouted. Yes, that's what I did. Stupid, right? But what was there to say.

"Aww, she's pouting!"

My cheeks were flushed now. TMI (Too much insult). "Are you trying to insult me?!" I yelled, angrily, advancing my glare towards him.

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