Chapter 25: Into The Trap

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Chapter 25: Into The Trap



The bullet sound resonated throughout the room and I became aware that Mason had arrived.

Immense happiness filled me and I couldn't have been more happier.

I got up from where I was sitting when I heard the intense banging on the door. My first instinct was to open the door. It must be Mason and the team.

But as soon as my hand was about to reach the lock, my inner voice shouted, "NO!"

They can also be QD's men.

That's right. So, I draw myself back.

But what if it is Mason?

He would break the door.

Instinctively, I move back from the door as if Mason is really about to break it. I sigh. It's probably best if I stay in here until I get a signal by Mason or his men.

I turned around and walk a bit further when a loud cracking sound comes and immediately turn to see the door broken and Mason standing behind the door, in all his glory.

Yep, still as stunning and sexy as I had left him. Clad in his usual blue jeans and a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair dishevelled and messy like he worriedly ran his hands in them too many times, he looks nothing less than hot. Even hotter than hot.

His intimidating and scary look changes as his eyes landed on me. Corners of his lips curled up as he stared at me. His tense shoulders relaxed and the worry in his beautiful eyes was gone.

He was relieved to see me.

If I say so myself, I was extremely happy to see him too.

Immediately, an emotional flickered through his eyes, he moved forward and placing his right hand on the back of my head and left on my waist, he descended his lips on mine.

I froze.

I could feel the touch of his soft lips on mine. So enchanting and so passionate. For a moment, I couldn't comprehend the situation. His warm lips were moving on mine.

The moment his lips touch mine is the moment I forget about everything. Simply because for a few moments I do not want to be reminded about the reality. Because this is way better than the reality.

His right hand gripped my neck and his left went to my waist, possessively pushing me in his direction. My hands encircled around his neck as I enjoy the taste of him.

Mint, is all I taste. Did he brush his teeth at this time of the day?

Oh, well. He's weird.

And I'm weird. And we're both weird. So, that makes us an imperfect, weird couple.

Are we even a couple?

His lips moved on mine like he was staking his claim. So warm, a wonderous feeling lighted up in my heart. It couldn't slow, beating faster and faster each time. His hand moved around my waist pulling me closer than we already were.

The touch of his lips so hot; kissing, nibbling, teasing.

My hands clutched his shoulders tightly as he tilted my head to get a better angle, pushing his tongue in my mouth as we tasted each other.

We were so lost in our own fantasy world that we did not even hear a gunshot that sounded in the room.

Second gunshot later (and thankfully nobody hurt), Mason and I pulled apart and he attained a defensive position in a split second, whereas I must've looked like a fish out of water, closing and opening my mouth to catch my breath.

I was definitely feeling hot and bothered.

I was sure my cheeks were flushed and I slapped my hands over my cheeks before my eyes rounded over the scenario.

It was a totally chaotic situation.

Thankfully, the gunshot we had just heard had not targeted anybody. QD was now untied by his men. And his main target was Mason. He had his gun pointed at him, glaring at us.

His men surrounded us. We were out numbered. I don't understand why Mason did not the police. I looked at him wide-eyed to see him mirroring the same expression as QD.

For God's sake! Someone please tell me his full name. I'm tired of calling him QD.

"Nice to meet you again, Mason. It's been a long time," he smirked as taunted him.

"Can't say the same, Quinn," was his simple answer.

How do they know each other? And why the hell does Mason have a gun? Who are these men? What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On?

"Accept defeat, King. My men can easily take yours down, considering your number."

"Tsk... tsk... tsk... why do you always underestimate me?" taunted Mason as he smirked. "You call me, King and you tell me to quit?"

Quinn's eyes narrowed as loaded his gun, "What the hell do you mean?"

Yeah, what is going on, Mason? Who are you?

"Now why would I tell you that?"

"Maybe because you want to save your brother, Mason," came an all to familiar voice and all heads turned towards the doorway.

Mason and I looked shocked to see Carl struggling in the hands of two men. But what shocked us more was the person standing in front of them.


That deceiving bitch!


They kissed. . .yeah. OMG! THEY KISSED!

Okay. That's enough cheering. Now, apologies. ⬇

Greatly sorry guys! *putting my hands on my ears*

I wanted to update soon but I just had a writer's block. I couldn't think of what to write.

Also, I know this chapter is a bit short but I just wanted to update something for you guys, otherwise it might have taken me more time.

So enjoy this chapter, until I update the next. I'll try to make that update sooner.


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