Chapter 3: Is That You?

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Chapter 3: Is That You?



"Again?" I whined, "But mom, I just went grocery shopping a week ago!"

"So?" My mom shrugged, "We need some more things, like I need some pizza sauce if I'm making a pizza. And I also need some milk, yeast and cheese, black olives and all the things which are written there. You didn't bring them last week."

My jaw dropped and I sighed dramatically, "Why, mother? Why must you do this to me? Do you not love me anymore?" I looked at her, feigning a crying face, to which she gave me a look and I straightened immediately.

"Ok, ok. I'll bring everything. But why didn't you tell me I had to bring all that, last week?" I asked the burning question in my chest.

My mom rolled her eyes at me,"To torture you, honey."


"Angela! We were in a hurry. I sent you grocery shopping two hours before the guests arrived!" she scolded me.

She had a point. But the matter now is, that I don't want to go grocery shopping again. But, I didn't argue and went outside, sulking.

I took my car which was a Toyota Camry ME and drove to the grocery shop. This car is my baby. It's my favourite model. I love it. My family is a bit rich (but I dont like to flaunt money) so we all have our own cars. I'm lucky for that. I don't have to ask anyone to drive me anywhere. The reason why I didn't take my car last week to the shop was because it was gone for repairing. I got it when I turned seventeen. I love it.

I parked the car outside the shop and got out and into the store.

When I was in there, I searched for the list of the things I need to buy. Oh my, God, where is that fishing list? My eyes widened and I put my hands on my whole body in search of it. Where can it be?

Not in my sleeve.

Not in my bra.

Not in my jeans pocket.

I can't. I just can't put it in my underwear. That would be gross.

Not in my sho--

Oh Ship! It's in my shoes. Quickly, I looked at my shoes and bend down to retrieve the list. People were looking at me, weirdly. After I took it out, I stood up, happy that I found it.

I looked around to see people looking at me with raised eyebrows and I narrowed my eyes, "What?"

After that they all went towards what they were doing. Humf!

I looked at my list an went towards the aisle, not looking forward.

Pizza Sauce.

Black Olives.


Tomato Ketchup.

Where's the damn oreos?


"Omph!" I shrieked as I realized I was going to fall but someone caught me with their hands.

Of course, with the hands. Obviously, they can't catch you with their legs.

I scoffed at how my own conscious can taunt me.

"Did you just scoff at me?" A very familiar voice said.

The Road Guy.

I looked up at his face and smiled. I hugged him, "Road Guy, you saved me!"

I heard him snicker, "Road Guy?"

I looked up to see his face and saw how close I was to him. So, I just cleared my throat and put some space between us. He was still looking at me, amused, so I decided I would give him an explanation, "Um... you see, you never told me your name, so..." I smiled at him sheepishly.

He chuckled, "Well, the name's Mason."

"Mason," I tried it on my tongue and believe me, it was perfect.

"Yep. Now tell me your name," he said and I shook my head at him, smiling widely, "You guess."

He gasped, playfully, glaring at me, "That ain't fair!"

"Ah-huh! Well I'm getting late and I need to fi-"


I froze as soon as I heard a gun shot. My eyes were wide and my mouth still open. I looked at Mason to see that he was not shocked nor surprised. Instead, his fists were clenched and his jaw tightened. He was angry.

What is happening here?

When he looked at me, his eyes softened and he said, "Come with me," he said, hurriedly, gripping my hand and hid me behind a stack of boxes that were present there.

"Mason, what is happening?"

"Stay here, Angi and don't come out unless I tell you too," he whispered.

I nodded and he went away.

People were rushing out the door, now that I noticed. It was a full hustle-bustle for the next fifteen minutes, until all people were out. Oh my, God. A psychotic killer is here in the store. Oh no! My mom would die of heart attack of she found out about it. She loves me. My dad loves me too. Well, know that, mom and dad that I love you too. I'm too young to die. Will I ever be able to meet my parents again? Will I be able to eat my mom's delicious chicken again? Will we be able to cook the pizza that I came to buy the things here for? Will I--


No. Not that again. I was feeling really hot behind this stack of boxes so I slowly came out and tip toed toward the cash counter where the sound came from. I decided to be a little clever and looked from behind the counter to see two men arguing with each other. Well not arguing, kind of like both were angrily talking. One of them was Mason and the other had its back to me.

I tried to look more closely and moved a little forward but unconsciously dropped a tin can which caught the attention of the other man. My eyes widened but not at the fact that I had been caught but at the fact that I knew that guy.

"K.C, is that you?"


Picture: Jayden

He's Cute!

Any guesses who might K.C be?

I'm sorry if I took too long. I really am. I had a major writer's block but I knew I had to update so here it is. ;)

I know it's not that good but I still hope you like it.


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