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Now I know why everyone out in the whole world had a wonderful dream before. You know the one where it's better than any dream you've ever had, and it just makes you smile for the rest of the day, and you can't wait to get back to sleep and hopefully have that same dream. Well, if you haven't then I pity you.

Also I know that if you have ever been woken up from such a wonderful dream, before it was over and you were ready to wake up, you're not very happy with what woke you up. Be it an alarm clock, a noisy neighbor, or an annoying roommate. I'll give you one guess which one woke me up.

I swatted the hand that was shaking me rather roughly, and tried to focus on returning back to my dream. However the owner of said hand would not give up. I sat straight up in my bed, picked up my pillow and tossed it at that annoying person. Falling back down onto my bed I discovered that I could no longer sleep seeing as I did not possess a pillow.

I groaned dragging myself out of bed. My eyes cracked open and I saw a smiling Hunter standing over my bed, pillow in hand. I glared at him ran a hand through my mess of hair.

"Good morning to you too." He said happily as I scooted over to the closet.

Perfect, not only was he a perverted freak, but he was also a morning person. I was beginning to dislike Hunter more and more.

I closed the closet doors and slipped my uniform on. I stepped out fully dressed and grabbed my brush, pulling it through my hair and putting it up in a messy bun.

"You ready to go down to breakfast?" Liam asked from behind me.

"Yeah." I replied still sleepy and my mind still on my dream.

We walked out into the hallway and started for the cafeteria. Hunter and Quinton walked ahead of us, quietly chatting, every once in a while throwing a glance back at me over their shoulders.

I had to admit it felt weird walking down for breakfast without my usual group of friends. I always walked in with a pack of guys around me and now I only had three, and I didn't even really count two of them.

We walked into the cafeteria and I got my eggs and orange juice from the line. I turned and started for my regular table when I noticed no one was seated there yet. I guess I was in shock at seeing a clean table, without guys cramming food down their throats.

"Do you want to sit with us? At least until your bodyguards come in?" Liam asked coming up behind me.

I smiled at him and followed him over to his table, which at this point consisted of Quinton Hunter, and two guys I didn't recognize. Quinton and Hunter didn't look as shocked as the other two when I sat down next to Liam.

"Did you sleep okay?" Liam asked before taking a bite of his biscuit.

"Actually, yeah I did." I said smiling at the memory of my dream.

"Good. I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable, it being your first night and all."

"Nope, the boogie man didn't get me." I said putting a forkful of eggs into my mouth.

"Glad to know he's finally gone."

"Guess I scared him away."

My gaze shifted to the other guys seated at the table. They all stared on in silent awe. As if they were amazed that Liam and I could have a conversation. I gave them a weird look before returning my gaze to Liam. Instead it fell on the door behind him.

All seven guys walked in looking tired and headed for the food line.

"I guess I better go, before Will sees me and has a heart attack." I said standing up and grabbing my tray. "Nice talking to you boys." I said walking off to my own table.

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