29. Closer to Appraisal

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Surprise!! Surprise!!


For you, MeenakshiRawat Thank You.... For everything....


"Everyone who achieves success in a great venture solves each problem as they came. They helped themselves and they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They keep going regardless of the obstacles they meet."

– W. Clement Stone


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Arrival of the Grey Sky]

Niera's POV

Why I had to cross her path? Why I couldn't just keep walking for my destination? I mentally chided myself.

Forgetful duffer, she crossed your path, not you. Keep your memory in check. Mind lambasted with a sharp frown.

As the logic surfaced inside my mind, I snapped back my gaze at her. She was still imitating goldfish; the rim of her spectacles is now wet from her tears.

"What are you doing here?" I asked tersely. Taking no nonsense this time, hoping she would at least answer this.

"I—I I—was I—I work here." She rasped out.

"That is perspicuous Miss. Now why you were here?" I asked again, stifling my anger.

"Because my boss called me." She replied making me grind my teeth.

She is so naïve.

Yes, go adopt her. Dufus, focus. A tiny aggressive part snapped.

"And who is your boss?"


Because I'll set him/her behind the bars for recruiting someone so nervous and not so right in mind like you.

"What?!" she shrieked; for the first I heard her voice, without concentrating much.

Did I said that loud?

"Please don't him behind the bars; I'll serve you coffee and homemade cupcakes. I'll share my lunch—No I'll give you my entire lunch. Please don't do this." She pleaded, letting her tears to fall freely like a stream. Her grip on the calendar book loosen, it fall on her foot while she joined her hands in pleading.

Super crap! Why I had to keep floating in raw emotions. Duffer mouth.

Now my prime task was to keep this sobbing doll under emotional control but how.

You know what? Just work and stop thinking.

"Stop right there. Please, just stop doing that. I—I won't set him behind the bars." I said with utmost sincerity I could show through my words.

"Promise?" she asked, hope glimmering in her eyes.


"What's the matter here?" my words were cut off abruptly with a growling interruption.

Not strange enough, I found this voice very much annoyingly familiar.

The girl trembling on her knees went on a quick earthquake mode as her eyes widened through the spectacles.

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