46. You are Not Alone

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Happy Forever Wednesday!

Well I know I'm late with the Forever update but lately life was being hard on me.

Apologies to keep you waiting.

*Another thing is that, I know many of you want 'Gidiera' moments but it's kind of impossible to do that in 'every chapter'. They'll be together with their spicy interactions to heal and steal each other but not in 'Every Chapter'.

Since the story has to be followed. But once it'll reach the point, you'll get many 'Gideira' moments to enjoy and cherish.*

*Author's Note*

The sequence related to the mails and the consequences described could be a little confusing. Please feel free to contact me in case of any query. Thank you.


"I want you to have big dreams, big goals. I want you to strive to achieve them. But I don't want to see you beating yourself up every time you make a mistake."

— Kelley Armstrong, The Gathering


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Expectations Unexpected]

Niera's POV

"Take care." He wrapped the call and I sat shooting steely glares at phone,

Don't blame him Miss.

He has already suffered a lot because of you! My humanity cells chided.

I sighed nodding before a folder named 'Greefy Inc.' caught my resigned gaze.

What is it doing here?

I asked myself before reaching for it across the desk.

Opening it I found the incomplete documents of the deal Greefy Inc. had with 'A V Inc.'

My heart sank with the pounding hammers on my conscious mind reverberated around as my shameful mistake which was the reason I am stuck here.

Of course the pure ruthless reminder of my delinquency is back to bury me in the guilt of my deeds.

But how this file came here?

As far as I remember, I left it with Jerry; then what is it doing here? Or more precisely how it came here because as I remember I left it with Jerry and Sir Gerard the day I accepted the deal. After that day, it never caught my eye, Jerry never returned it because I asked him. My mind processed the situation and deep furor lines took place in my fine forehead.

Perhaps, Jerry!

He might have left it here?

But then why does he need it? Now this file or the misapprehension means nothing until I receive those legal credentials, the why and what these documents are doing at my place?

Nothing worth answering crossed my mind in relation of this folder as I threw it away on the other side of the huge chrome glass desk, it bounced and settled there leisurely, much to my announced.

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