68. Fire: A Lethal Game

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Happy Forever Friday!

Like already mentioned, due to some technical issues, I'm still facing, the updates were delayed. I'm trying to solve so please bear with me.

For now enjoy!

Chapter 4 of The Slave is up on Inkitt


There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.

— Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Two Names in One Breath]

Niera's POV

I felt him before his presence.

How poetic!

I dashed toward him letting Mr. Majesty to wonder before shooting him my stern gaze, I went to the kitchen.

"What happened?" his soft inquiring voice came from behind as I was taking out the cookies for Mr. Majesty.

"You don't look worried at all." I stated flaring my angry nose.

"Why should I look worried, when I'm not." Jerry's almost obvious answer came which I wanted to throw in washing machine along with his huge self but sadly the poor machine won't appreciate and accommodate him.

"Then why you aren't?" I threw the serving plate at platform with a little force. The cookies felt quake one broke.

"What does that mean Niera?" now his voice had edge, edge of him getting warm at the discussion.

I released a breath in which I blew some of my preposterous anger.

What am I doing?

Jerry is—why would he—he is a friend but why am I expecting him to be angry on me when I'm late.

"Niera, I may be a friend of yours', I have always seen you as a part of my family and you have proved I was always right. You're very special to me, I see you as my Sahira, you hold that place in my heart. And yes I would have been worried, no worried sick; in fact I was until Tiara told me that she called Majesty to pick you up. I was about to come to fetch you." He explained and my heart swelled with love and respect. He poured out his deepest feelings.

Sahira and me! We both are same for him.

At that moment I found another brother in him, a brother by bond, by love and care.

I smiled, my eyes glistered, I wanted to huge him which I did, I leaped at him softly and he caught me, patting my head with pure adoration.

My smile felt no bound as I raised my head to find his eyes glistered.

"Aww! Jerry!" I cooed earning a glare from him which eventually turned into smile and chuckle.

My chuckles went louder before it turned into glare which was cast on him directly.

"What?" he asked earnestly, perplexed at my sudden change.

"Right, then why are you not looking worried when I came this much late?" I seethed which was of course, fake.

Someone's Foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن