Mustard Hair & An Irresistible Pout

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Important AN at the end of the chapter. Please read it!


~Mustard Hair & An Irresistible Pout~


Considering the food fight I caused over the weekend, school was surprisingly uneventful as I was greeted with the usual smiles on Monday. Even if Theo was the one to start it, I was still at fault since I fell for the bait.

Then there was the Seven Minutes ordeal. I cringed, recalling the moment I made the decision to join that game. Aside from a few more winks than usual and more lingering glances, everything was fairly normal. I responded to them all either with a polite smile or by pretending I didn't notice the subtle action. In reality, what I wanted to do was frown or blatantly ignore their flirtations.

There was however one consequence to our food fight and I only had Theo to blame. His choice dip to smother on my face was the greasy reason I had a blemish. I wore my hair down, framing my face and hiding what the make-up couldn't. Since some the cheese dip got in my hair, and despite washing it several times, there was residual grease on the locks. I noticed a few students with similar battle scars, so I wasn't alone. A couple of them were even worse than me.

When lunch came around, I hurried in line to get my food. Our cafeteria was better than others, but some of the food lacked flavor and quality. It was smart to get in line before the tastier options were gone. I requested a piece of barbecue chicken and slid my tray down after getting it. I chose a salad and a small bowl of fruit to have with it. Including a bottle of water, I paid for my food and sat at an empty table.

Yvette made it over first as I was shredding the chicken with two forks. By the time I spread the pieces on top my salad and added the mandarin oranges from the mixed fruit, Jarod slid onto the bench on Yvee' s side.

My two best friends immediately traded food with each other. His packed lunch for her tray of chicken and potato wedges. It was a tradition they started a couple of years ago. Yvee loved his mom's cooking, while Jarod loved junk food. So they exchanged lunch twice a week, and I brought day old treats for each of them.

Today, I had an extra scone reserved for Eli. I owed him for my revenge on Theo. If Theo really followed through with his threat, Eli more than deserved the pastries. Unless he was out sick after being force-fed the food cooked by his friend. Though he appeared to be fine as the two boys approached our table.

Uninvited by us, Theo sat down beside me and Elias sat on the other side of him. Theo gave me a grin and pointed to the table. My gaze shifted from his bright smile to the potato wedges smothered in cheese sauce on his lunch tray.

"Want one?"

"How sweet of you to offer," the corners of my mouth pulled up in a sarcastic manner. "No, thank you."

He watched my expression twist into a grimace at the cheese sauce, then he chuckled and ate one after stealing my other fork. He noticed my creative salad and stole a bite of that too.

I was about to voice a complaint instead of keeping it to myself out of habit, but it was forgotten when he said how good it tasted together. Sadly, our peace didn't last long because I caught sight of his clear skin. No pimples. And when he turned his head to say something to Eli, I had a view of his soft and lush black hair. No grease.

I bowed over the table to my friends and they did the same to hear what I had to say. I whispered, "Why does his skin and hair look flawless compared to me? After that food fight, he should look just as bad."

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