Like Pancakes & Arson

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~ Like Pancakes & Arson ~


When our afternoon nap was over yesterday, Theo took me home only to be attacked by our friends. It was all hugs, comforting words, and a large order of takeout for my family. We told them about what happened and what we knew so far about the fire, which was very little. When they offered to help with anything we needed, it was enough to bring my mom to tears. Theo's insistence on skipping and the support of my friends rejuvenated me at least for a short time.

So in the morning, with my hair up and heels on, makeup applied and dress zipped, I was ready to face my peers with a smile.

The crowd that greeted me was half the size it was yesterday, but just as overwhelming. I was bombarded with questions about how I thought the fire started and who was the culprit, to which I responded with 'I don't know' each time. They were mostly interested in blaming someone and feeling bad for me. One person did ask when we would be open for business again and they eagerly awaited my answer.

However long it usually takes to recover from a freaking fire. Morons.

I smiled brightly. "Soon. We can't have our loyal customers getting all stressed," I winked, "without us."

They chuckled at my lame joke before I excused myself. I walked down the hall, smile plastered on my face until I could reach my locker and shove my head inside for a good long minute. On the way, Jarod's arm shot out and blocked me from going any further than his locker. He pulled me into a hug and I dropped my forehead onto his shoulder, letting my smile drop as I took a breath. A friend was infinitely better than a metal compartment.

"How you holding up, Abs?"

"I'm ok," I mumbled.

"I have something for you," he said, moving me gently aside so he could dig into his locker. "It is going to make your day."

Then with a flourish, he pulled out a package wrapped in foil and handed it to me.

"You always give me free treats. I figured it's about time I return the favor." Sheepishly, he added, "I'm no Theo, but my own cooking skills are limited. So I begged my mom to make some hotteok."

"Jarod." I shoved him lightly with my free hand and whined, "You're gonna make me cry, you idiot."

They were like pancakes, but filled with brown sugar and walnuts. His mom often made them for the three of us whenever Yvee and I hung out at Jarod's house. They surpassed my mother's pancakes and I told her so when I was eight. She didn't forgive me for my blunt honesty until she finally had a taste for herself.

There was a gasp in my ear as Yvette leaned over my shoulder. "Is that hotteok?"

Jarod groaned. "It's not ha-tteok, Yvee. It's ho-tteok."


"Yes, ho."

She snorted and a small smile tugged at my lips at Jarod's oblivious response. He didn't catch on to the joke, so his brows drew together as his gaze bounced from her to me.

"I'll let that slide for now," Yvette said. Then she held her hand out expectantly, "Where's mine?"

He scoffed, shaking his head as he reached back into his locker for another pack. "I don't know why I bothered."

She grinned, snatching it from him. "Because you know what hell awaited if you didn't bring any for me."

Ready to bite into the still warm dessert, Yvee and I shared a look and said in unison, "Thank you, Jare-Bear."

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