A Tease & A Knockout

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~A Tease & A Knockout~


The weekend was like a mini vacation, but it was over and we were back to our everyday lives. By the end of Tuesday, I was ready to ask Yvette (a.k.a Miss Sci-Fi) if she knew where I could get a time machine to go back three days. No, four days so I could relive my kiss with Theo because it was just that good.

I knew I made a mistake when she followed my question with one of her own.

"That depends on your preference," she said. "DeLorean with a Flux Capacitor, Tardis, or the classic H.G Wells ride? There's also--"

I tuned her out as she continued to list them off, but I still thanked her for the valuable information when she was done.

She smirked at me, proud of her knowledge and the ability to use it as a means of torture.

Unfortunately, none of her many, many solutions existed in real life. So I was left with getting through the week on my own, hoping the next weekend would be just as good or even better with more Theo and less Craig.

I didn't get to see much of Theo during school because I spent lunch break helping two classmates with an assignment due by the end of the day. I wasn't even that good with the subject, but they didn't care because I was supposedly the only one willing to help them.

I had no idea what kept them so busy that they would put it off until the last minute, but that changed after watching as he started to play footsie with her and she responded with a giggle. I made it clear that it wouldn't be my fault if they failed, but I doubted they were listening to me.

I was sulking after that and hungry too. Theo met me at my locker afterwards with a banana from the cafeteria. It was accompanied by a scolding look for missing lunch to help someone who didn't really need it. I had to admit that it was kind of hot the way he glared at me. I smiled at him, accepting the yellow fruit.

"It wasn't a big deal," I told him while I retrieved my books.

"Missing a meal and a lost opportunity to spend time with your friends is a big deal," he responded, crossing his arms and leaning against the locker beside mine.

The way he tilted his head to rest on the cold metal was positively adorable despite his withering stare.

"Not to mention, the time you could have spent with me."

I bit my lip, giving way to a grin as I glanced at him. Apparently, I wasn't the only one sulking. I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth when I said, "Trust me, I would have rather been playing footsie with you than watching those two do it."

With a frustrated groan, he muttered, "Damn that smile of yours."

I shook my head and closed my locker. The bell was going to ring soon and I didn't want to be late, no matter how tempting it was to continue flirting with him.

"Question," Theo said suddenly when he realized I was about to leave.


He leaned in a little closer. "Would it fit this reputation of mine to shove you against these lockers and kiss you senseless in front of everyone?"

The air left my lungs and I almost forgot to breathe in again. He was serious. "Y-yes, but..."

Shut up, Abby. Let him do it.

Instead of listening to myself, I said, "You don't want to promote that image too much. I mean, we both know that's not really who you are, right?"

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