Chapter 18

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Boisterous laughter echoed through the halls once again. I ran on my feet, cackling loudly with a grin on my face. Chul and Sejun ran on their tiny legs, trying to run away from me since we were playing a game of tag.

The floor seemed well-cleaned today, sparkling a little. I let my feet glide on the floor while I chased my brothers. I got closer to Chul; and so I extended my arms so I could wrap them around him.

"Gotcha!" I happily exclaimed, lifting off Chul from the ground and spinning him around

Chul's giggles got louder as I spun him in midair with Sejun laughing along. I set Chul down after a couple of spins; only to have Sejun ask me to do the same to him. I let out a laugh, carrying Sejun and spinning him as well.

Just like before, the halls were filled with our laughter; echoing endlessly around the house. It brought me back to times where I did not have that much to think of.

Yoongi was right.

It would not be fair if I only pondered on my problems. He knew I had to be happy too.

A smile played on my lips, thinking about Yoongi. It was quite entertaining to reminisce the time when I had promised Yoongi to show him what La Vie en Rose was; but he ended up being the one to make me feel it again.

My daydreaming was cut off when Sejun clicked his fingers on my face; only for me to find out that I did not let him go and I was spacing out with a dazed smile on my face. I let Sejun go in an instant, teasing me about it. I just laughed with both of them, having them in a playful headlock.

"[Y/N], what in the world are you doing?"

The hair on my arms stood up, recognizing the voice instantly. With widened eyes, I let go of Sejun and Chul; instantly turning on my heel. Facing my mother, I bowed my head due to her intimidating gaze. Also, I felt angry with her and father; since I knew they were keeping things from me.

"Anyway, please come with me to the dining room. Your father and I are going to talk to you." she snapped

Sejun and Chul only have me wary looks. It was awful to think about the fact they already see our mother differently.

Mother turned on her heel, walking towards the dining room. I clenched my jaw, following her silently. Upon entering the dining room, I already felt the thick air. I knew that, what they were about to say would not be of any good news; just like always.

"Sit down." father ordered

I took a seat in front of them at the huge dining table. I did not bother to look at them since I knew they were staring at me with disappointed swimming freely in their eyes; just like always.  

"I do not like your attitude. Stop avoiding us, [Y/N]." my father said

I felt anger rush through my veins; clenching my fist tightly beneath the table. I did not dare look back nor answer back.

"And didn't I tell you to stop seeing that boy? It won't be good for our company's image—"

"There! You said it yourself! All you care about is your image! The company! The company's image!" I bursted out

With furrowed eyebrows, I looked back at them with my eyes reflecting fury. I knew I should not be answering back since I would be in great trouble later on.

My parents seemed to be shocked with my sudden outburst. Not only that but they looked clearly pissed with what I just did. However, I've had enough. I knew that I had every right to voice out what I truly felt. If I did not get to that, then it had to change.

With seconds ticking by, I just continued to stare at them with my gaze deteriorating into a pleading one. I knew my eyes started to water and I would burst into tears; but I also knew that it would not be an exception on what I had just done. Just like before, my tears did not affect both of my parents in any way.

"What about... me? What about how I feel? Yoongi is my friend! He makes me happy. Please don't take my happiness away from me... again." I said with a shaking voice

A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. My parents only gave me a cynical look and I felt even more melancholic when I did not see any form of sympathy in their eyes.

"It is for your own good, [Y/N]. Yoongi would not bring any good to you." mother seethed

"I guess lying to me about my past is for my own good too, right?" I sarcastically said

I was shaking involuntarily, wiping away the endless tears that streamed down my face. I looked up to see them in pure bewilderment with the newfound information of me knowing about their lies.

"Who told you that?" my father raised his voice

I clenched my jaw and my fist, standing up from my seat. I slammed my hands on the table, glaring at them.

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter who told me about that information! What matters is, why?! Why are you lying to me? What are you keeping from me?" I exclaimed in agony

I was pained to forget about them and then in the midst of trying to remember, they would alter them by lying to me? I was in total grief.

Just like always, they gave me a straight and blank look. They did not show any kind of emotion with their gazes even though I was bawling my eyes out.

"Go back to your room. Get dressed. We will be attending a business party at the Park residence." my mother said, ignoring the fact that I was having an emotional breakdown

Unable to do anything about it, I stood up from my seat, walking briskly to the door of the dining room. Opening it up, I cleared my throat; stopping by the doorway.

"You can't keep this from me forever."

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