Something New

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"Papers all signed and even though I can't believe this part of my life is finally over I am also a bit sad to go", I told my chief as my time had come to a close at my internship. After 4 years of university, 2 years in a midwifery program and a year and a 1/2 of interning I was done with school and ready for a little excitement I'd been offered a job in my field and readily excepted under 1 condition I was going to see the world on a 4 month excursion first. My first stop Dubai where I would meet up with Quinton Redding my college fling who moved there to start some business. We had spoken off and on in the years that followed but never really took full advantage of no longer being young little horny students mistaking lust for love or vis versa.
Our last chit chat episode turned into a full out invitation to come visit when I was done with school. Being the type to put everything on the back burner for my education he didn't think I would take his offer seriously. Quite frankly I didn't think I would either. So after a long night of no homework for the first time in years and 2 bottles of wine later, I had bought a plane ticket for the following Friday. I sent him a quick message to let him know of my plans, got up packed my bags, than laid down and fell asleep dreaming of all the adventures my 24 year old self had missed out on so far trying to get a good job.
I woke up early the next morning excited but very nervous about my trip. The last time Q laid his eyes on me was about 2 years prior when I had just started my internship and was about 20 pounds lighter. Now at almost 25 I had full breast to match my thick thighs and very round ass and was no longer a stick figure like the college nerdy girl he fell in love with. I was a bonafide women. " What if he doesn't like your hair, or your thick ass?" I tried to shut my conscience up as I waited in line at the airport to get through security. At any point I could turn and run, say something came up but my feet felt bolted to the floor. Before I knew it they were boarding all rows and all zones on flight 5696, a non-stop flight to Dubai.

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