Goodbye Ember

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Ember walked down the stairs swiftly along with Mila, clutching a suitcase and a handbag. Both girls were quiet and, from the looks on their faces, unhappy about what was happening.

Ember had announced that she was going back to England, seeing as the new, unstable family had some kinks to work out. Well, that's what she told the Joker anyway.

"Are ya sure ya gotta go? We loved having you here!" Harley grinned as she awkwardly hugged Ember. Looking at Mila uncomfortably, Ember just nodded.

"Aww but Mila is gonna be so...lonely without you," The Joker said in an almost mock tone. The girls looked at each other and smiled.

"I'm definitely gonna miss you girl." Mila said sadly, embracing her friend. Ember hugged back tighter, relishing in the warmth of her friends arms.

"I'm gonna miss you too doll, i'll be back to visit, just not anytime soon," Ember giggled.

Mila nodded and walked out of the door with Ember but before she could make it too far, the Joker clutched on her arm and pulled her back.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked sternly.

Mila's face quickly twisted to that of anger and confusion as she pulled herself away from her father. She was still pretty peeved at him but knowing who he was, she knew she couldn't hold onto that grudge for too long. She'd have to make some sort of peace eventually.

"I was about to take her to the airport. I refuse to call any sort of taxi service, we really can't trust anyone nowadays." Mila explained.

The Joker didn't say a word.

"Then have Frost drive you... FROST!" The Joker roared.

"Day off. Remember?" Mila reminded with a smirk.

The Joker looked back at Harley. "Day off?"

Harley nodded. "Remember puddin? His sister just had a baby, he's visiting her today," Harley spoke with a smile.

The Joker sighed in annoyance but grinned at his daughter.

"Very well then, you can take the car," he said as he dropped the keys in his daughters palm.
"But drive slow, safe, and come back soon. We have plans...." He spoke in a low voice.

Mila nodded and grabbed the keys, walking straight out the door where Ember stood in wait.

Giving Ember a sly smirk, she threw the bags in the trunk and sat quickly in the car.

"Well?" Ember asked as they pulled out of the drive way.

"They let me drive," Mila said with a smile as she clutched the steering wheel tightly and continued to drive.

Ember looked a tad confused but couldn't help the small smile forming on her lips.

"..Well?" Ember tried again with a sneaky smile. Mila just grinned as she looked ahead at the road in front of her.

"Well well welly well, Emby, I'll be in touch with ya," Mila smirked.

"Wait, you're not...coming with me?" Ember asked confused.


"But that was the plan!" Ember roared in confusion.

"I have to sort things out here, I can't just disappear." Mila explained calmly.

"But you can have your freedom back, Mila. Things could be the same like they were before you broke your parents out of that asylum." Ember said sadly.

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