Chapter 3

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"Okay, settle down, guys. I'm sure there's a perfectly legitimate reason the Thirteen called an emergency United States meeting... before the morning session of our usual monthly meeting... in an hour... before breakfast..."

"Thanks, VT. Last night, New York and I received a call from Union and South. According to them, due to some circumstances that have yet to be divulged to us-"

"Careful, Del. That's a pretty big word!"

"Stop laughing! This is serious! The nations know about us now."


"The Spanish idiot-"

"Oh God-"

"-you're joking!"

"-Lani, I don't want him to take me back-"

"-French Bastard-"

"-sold us-"

"-kill them?"

"QUIET DOWN!!! There's more."

"Thanks, TX, though the gun was unnecessary. The nations are suspicious of the Western Hemisphere and us-"

"A bunch of teenagers?"

"They don't know we're teenagers. They are suspicious and they're making Union and South take them here and observe us and what not. Al called and said they'd be here in half an hour. Uh... he also said he wanted the house clean..."

"You heard him, no use crying over it now let's get to work!"

"But VA, I don't want them to take me away!"

"No ones taking you away, Alaska. We're kinda friends with Russia, remember? Uncle Matt said that Union and Russia haven't been fighting nearly as much as before and besides, anyone who wants to take you has to go through all of us, Confederacy, Uncle Matt, and Tío Diego."

"Yeah, they'll never even get close to you, Dimitri!"

"Don't sweat it!"

"Tots, little bro!"

"Hey! Don't do that!"

"Now, let's hurry up and clean the house before Alfred, Jonny and the others get here! Northeast takes starts cooking, South takes the main floor-stop complaining, we're the biggest group!-, West makes sure the hallways are clear and Midwest can clear up whatever else. Chop chop people! We're on a schedule!"

"Don't remind me..."


"You're gonna kill yourself one of these days, Al," Matthew said as he watched his younger brother down his fourth expresó. He went to grab his arm as he poured a fifth, but Jonny grabbed his arm.

"Don't," he said seriously. "His sleeping schedule is better now, but he still needs at least five to be truly awake enough to go through this. Always takes another two before going to meetings as well."

"Oí, hermanito, I think that's enough," Diego said, taking the coffee pot from his younger brother's reach. "Let the rest of us have some."

"But... coffee!" Alfred whined, making grabby hands toward the pot.

"You've had enough, Al," Michael said sleepily as he reached for his own cup. "Just wait a minuite til it kicks in. Pass the sugar." {AN: I realize most humans would die from the ungodly amount of caffeine but America's a nation plus he's a superpower and naturally has a faster metabolism than most nations. That's my logic.}

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Matthew sighed, sliding out of his seat on the island.

He walked the short distance to the door and opened it.

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