Chapter 5

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"Daddy~ How are you this morning?"

"Pretty good thanks Gin... You made blueberry pancakes?"

"With your favorite Vermont maple syrup."

"Good mornin' Daddy, how'd you sleep today?"

"As well as expected, Dyl. How about you?"

"Jus' swell, Daddy. I lov' you very much, okay?"

"Morning Pops."

"Good morning, Dan. Did you manage to look through that paperwork for you on my desk that's been there since last week?"

"Yup, I sorted all the paperwork, signed all the things I needed to, and sent all the things that were the other states' to them too."


"Morning Dad! I finished all the chores for this morning-"

"Alright what do you four want?"

"What do you mean, Daddy?"

"You don't like pancakes, and you hate my favorite maple syrup. You are never here when I wake up, much less to tell me you love me. You never do any paperwork without someone forcing you to, and you never do any more chores than you have to do. And the cherry on top, none of you call me Dad or Daddy unless you want something, so I ask again, what do you want?"

"...we love you very much?"

"Al, we just wanted to ask you if we could go to the National's game up in D.C. today. Gin, Dan and I saved the money to go ourselves, so can we please go?"

"And who's going to tour the nations around?"

"Ohio and Michigan said they'd take care of it with no fighting, New York promised to watch them, and Mass said he'd be on hand. Please Alfie?"

" guys finished all your chores?"


"Of course."


"...and you'll be back for dinner."

"Of course."



"Have you talked to Jonny?"

"He's okay with it."

"Alright then, go have some fun."

"Thanks Dad!"

"Thanks Alfie!"


Ohio took one look at the squabbling nations, and turned to Michigan.

"Truce? I think we'll need it to deal with them."

Michigan looked at the arguing nations, shuddered, and shook his hand.

"Truce," she confirmed. "Were we this bad when we argued?"

"And suddenly I feel bad for Ginny for putting up with us," Ohio sighed and motioned to his sister. "Ladies first?"

"Then why aren't you going?" she sniped.

Ohio threw her a dirty look and she entered first. For a split second, Liam contemplated leaving his sister and making a break for it, but he figured Michigan would probably kill him and Emily was plenty strong from working with cars so often. He followed Michigan in.

The nations stopped arguing as they approached them.

"Good morning," Michigan said. "I'm Michigan and this is Ohio. We'll be leading your tour today."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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