Chapter Nine: Zio's Touch.

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The Irinaut male had refused to let up on the female. As she rambled, Zio merely rolled his eyes as he listened to Luna. He could tell she was afraid, and he didn't like that. Zio was attracted to her. His eyes ran over her as he took in all her looks. The male leaned forward and placed his hand on her chin. Zio gripped it rather tightly before letting out a soft purr, 'You need to trust me. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.' He sounded sincere. Zio couldn't explain his feelings towards Luna, but he felt so drawn to her, it was nearly uncontrollable.

Luna sat quietly; giving a nervous shrug as he told her to be quiet. The female's eyes dimmed as Zio placed his hand on her cheek. The blonde tensed, grabbing a hold of his wrists tightly, "Z-Zio you're so close." She averted her glare from his. Luna was frustrated, and just as drawn to Zio as he was to her. The half breed couldn't help it. Even if Zio was thrice her size, he was gentle when they were alone and more so, he was a handsome creature. Zio wasn't like anything she had seen before. He was so exotic, and so pure at the same time. Luna felt it, and in many ways, but it frightened her.

The golden eyed female tensed under his grip. She brought her hand up hesitantly and gently placed it on the large male's cheek, "Zio, I-I'm afraid of you, y-you already know that, b-but running from the humans is going to get us no where, alright? They are in the safest place right now, and if we stay here either your hypnotized friends are going to grab us, or the spores are going to kill the both of us. We need to go back to them. I won't let them hurt you, I-I promise." Luna meant what she said. Zio had killed a fellow Irinaut to keep him from ripping the small female apart. Luna felt that if he were to do that for her, the least she can do is protect him as well.

Zio tensed, his reptilian eyes softened as the small female placed her hand against his cheek. The male murred softly before leaning closely and nuzzling his face tenderly against hers. At the mention of going back to the humans, Zio hissed, 'I have been in that room for to long. If I go back they'll kill me.' The male gave a light shake of his head. The Irinaut seemed to be thinking about something for a moment, 'If we go back, I'm not letting them take you from me.' He growled, 'I won't go in a case for them to watch me as nothing but a show.'

Luna shook her head, "N-no you won't have to. I won't let them do that to you. We'll talk. You can stay in the room they keep me in, alright? Just, don't hurt me is all." The female rubbed her shoulder lightly. She gave a nervous shrug as she attempted to get out of his grasp, "Now, could you please, let me go?" Luna was already confused enough, and having the Irinaut hold her in place in such a sensual manner was odd, and more so confused her.

Zio leaned in, ignoring her wish as he pressed his lips against Luna's own. The male held her hips tightly as he pulled her firmly against him. The Irinaut chirped on a odd manner, 'You're so soft, I don't think I could.' Zio nuzzled closely against her before he pressed her back into the floor. The Irinaut lifted his head curiously as he looked at her, 'You're so hard to resist touching.' Zio's hair like appendages glowed vibrantly as if it was a set of feathers used to show off. His green and yellow eyes lit up vibrantly as he placed his hand on her hip, 'I won't let anyone touch you but me,' He hissed, 'I promise.'

Luna gasped as the male kissed her. The blonde's eyes widened as she grabbed roughly on to his shoulders and attempted to draw herself back from him. Her heart was racing as he laid her back into the floor; holding her quite firmly in his grasp as he caressed her with his hands. The female didn't know what to do at this point. Truly, she didn't know if she should had been afraid, or flattered.

When he finally let her up, Luna sat up quickly and took a deep breath. Even if he had let her up, Zio still seemed to keep a grip on her. The blonde let out a soft sigh before brushing her blonde locks back behind her ears, "Alright, Zio, where are we going?"

Zio cocked his head lightly; letting out a soft sigh before shaking his head. He pointed towards the door, 'I suppose we're going back to your room.' He mumbled, 'I'm not leaving your side, but if they try to kill me when we return, I will call the infected.' Zio didn't seem interested in being locked in the cell again and clearly planned on staying out at all cost, 'It is not me they need to fight off.'

Luna tensed, forgetting that he had been under their spell for so long, that the Irinaut must know how to draw the infection to them. She sighed and gave a soft nodd, "Alright." Luna agreed, "When can we go back?"

Zio smirked, standing and pulling Luna up with him, 'When you agree to kiss me again.'

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