Chapter Forty-Six: Current

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"So, that's it? I'm not allowed to leave this room unless Zio or Fex take me?" Her golden eyes had started to give off that bright hue, and the markings on her neck did the same. She had recalled the rules from long ago, but she had never really taken it seriously until it had come into play before when they had lived on Earth. She crossed her arms to her chest with a heavy sigh. One thing was for certain, she was going to have a talk with Zio.

Professor Jewel shook her head as she lightly rubbed her own arm, "Luna, they just got you back. Your people. Do you really think they want to risk losing their first queen that has been infection free for so long?" Jewel shook her head lightly, "I'm sure it won't be like this permanently." Jewel hoped at least.

Luna was about to speak up before Zio entered the room, she quickly moved towards him and hugged him tightly, "Zio.." The blonde clung to him. It seemed she was still weak after the Hollow had attached. She looked up at him, a frown on her face, "What's going on? What's happened?"

"Shh.." He hushed her, one noise that was recognizable to the humans as he made the sound. Zio's eyes were glowing vibrantly. He didn't seem to certain on explaining everything at that time, 'Darkness is falling. Strong is still out looking for us.' The tall male ran his hands over her shoulders before gripping her arms lightly, 'Luna, you need to stay here where it's safe. Fex and I will help with Strong.'

"Like hell!" Luna walked towards the door, turning to look at Zio with obvious frustration, but as she fell back against the door, her fatigue was noticed. Jewel had quickly moved to aid her in standing, "I took care of myself before anyone else did." She spoke a bit out of nonsense as if she was out of her mind a bit. Luna braced herself against Jewel. Right now, she couldn't go anywhere by herself if she wanted to.

Zio reached down and grabbed Luna from Jewel, easily holding her in his arms. The male had placed his arms around her hips to hold her up. A soft growl escaped his throat, 'Luna, you know the rule's here, darling. It won't be like this for long. You're strong, and you can show them that.' Zio leaned down to her, 'It's going to be alright.'

Luna gasped out as Zio pulled her in. She brought her arms up and hugged around the large male's neck. The girl had so much to say, and more so, trouble putting her memories together. As Zio spoke to her, she closed her eyes and gave a soft nodd of her head. She had known the rules long before, but that didn't mean she enjoyed them, "So, what's the plan?"

'I thought you had one.'


Once Luna had calmed down and felt more capable of walking. Her, Zio, and Fex had began to make their way to the current leader of the Irinaut's. For Luna, this was unlike anything she had seen before.

The walls were mostly dark, but all had that same glow that the individual Irinaut's did. The hallways had a constant circular pattern, the doors against the flat walls that connected the halls between. The floors glowed a turquoise blue only because of the mushroom like plants that scaled beneath it. Some, even looked like they were breathing.

When they came to a single room, smaller then the others, Luna noticed the crevice that ran around the rooms. She shifted a bit before looking at Zio, "Zio, Fex, what is this?"

Fex grinned as he jumped down in. The male shook his head lightly, 'It's like your elevators. Except we control them with the transfer.' Fex walked over to a thick vined plant that dug into the walls, also having the glowing feature. As Fex grabbed ahold of it, his red eyes glowed, in nearly a instant a electrical spark ran through his arm and back into the plant. He had jerked his arm back almost immediately, a hiss escaped his throat, 'I don't want to be shocked right now. Zio, you do it next time.' Though not long after doing so, the floor began to ascend down.

The green eyed male hissed, 'I've been doing it all day, Fex. We agreed to take turns until we adjusted back to the Current.' Zio huffed, his head cocked to the side. Zio's interest sparked for a moment. He looked at Luna before squinting his eyes and leaning down, even poking her nose as he spoke, 'You don't touch it.'

Luna jumped, rather surprised as Zio told her not to touch it. Her gold eyes sparked a bit as she looked around, "So, you can tell the plants what to do?" She looked around curiously, "Just by touching it?"

Fex shook his head, 'It's not as easy as that. Most everyone here has immunity to the Current, but Zio and I haven't had to use it in some time because we've been hijacking human ships.' Fex let out a soft hiss as he scratched his chin, a brow raised, 'Without the proper amount of leeches or training to use the Current, it can end fatal. The only part of them we can control are the roots of the blooms, and that's if we can handle it. Lower class Irinaut's have to be escorted by higher ranks to get to certain floors. It keeps things in our home in order.'

"So how is Professor Jewel and everyone else getting around down here?" Luna tensed as the rock came to a halt to a bottom hallway. Even watching the way the roots danced in waves to move the formation down had been strange. The female reached up towards one of the roots to touch it. Even as her fingertips nearly grazed it, she still felt something pulling her towards it.

Zio took hold of Luna's wrist before pulling her hand back away from the roots. He shook his head lightly before roaring down at her, 'No, my Queen. Do you always have to do the opposite of what I say?' The pale skinned male huffed as he cocked his head.

Luna gasped softly, frowning as she looked up at Zio, "Do you always have to stop me from trying?" The blonde pulled her hand back as she walked back from Zio and Fex, "I'm not some little kid anymore, and both of you seem to think that." She sighed softly, seeming to backlash into the past again. The blonde held her head for a moment before looking down.

As the hybrid turned around to start walking down another straight hall, she found herself hitting another wall. Luna tensed as she held her hands up, only to feel the skin of another Irinaut. Luna looked up, her eyes widened as she felt someone pull her back. She pushed her back against Zio's stomach as she looked at the other Irinaut, and the several behind him.

'Zio, Fex, young Queen, I believe we have a bit of a problem.'

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