Chapter 1

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I just kept running like I have done the past 4 months. I was a danger to my own family so I had no other choice but to leave them. They were safe and my little sister was healthy, that was the most important to me. I left them a note in which I explained that I needed to leave for their own safety. I left never to be seen again. It didn't matter how hurt I was, I was a monster now. I only exist in books and movies about supernatural creatures. I never thought that one day I would become one of them. But here I am. Aisla the werecat.

In the past months I learned some things about the supernatural. I knew that werewolves and vampires did exist. And off course witches, although I once heard a vampire brag to his friend how he killed the last living witch years ago. My witch, that is how I decided to call her, was still alive 4 months ago. She was probably one off the last living witches and I hope she is still alive and will one day turn me back to normal so I can get my life back. I still had to wait 8 month before I would see her again, at least if she keeps her word. I knew it would be impossible to find her. If she doesn't then I have no idea what I will do.

I kept to myself and nobody, no human, no vampire and no werewolf, knew about me. If you look like a giant jaguar I realized you shouldn't just show yourself to everyone. And I heard the vampires talk about how they are so happy that the werecats went extinct. That's when I realized that I am a werecat and that, if that bloodsucker spoke the truth, I am the only werecat alive.

I still don't know why my witch changed me to a werecat. I know that it was stupid of me to trust her but she saved my sisters life, I would have given my life for Lilly. But instead I changed into this. Most of the time I stay a jaguar, I learned that it does have a lot of benefits if you try to keep yourself alive. And the major benefit? I had the spirit of a jaguar in my head. She learned me how to hunt and how to eat an animal you just killed. She told me about the territories of vampires and werewolves and how I needed to use my nose to find them and keep away from them. That is why right now I'm on what they call 'nomansland'. The only ones you find here are vampires and werewolves who went 'rogue'. Vampires usually live in clans and werewolves live in packs. I don't understand much about how they live. I did try to understand them when I spied on them. But because it wasn't safe anymore I stopped spying them. Or I tried. I was just to curious to keep to my own business. But if your day exist out of looking for food and taking naps you get bored easily! In the beginning I tried to steal food from werewolf packs, vampires only drink blood and most of them smell like dead so I try to stay away from them. I liked the werewolves more because I had more in common with them. If they wouldn't hate werecats I wouldn't mind being a part of one of their packs. Being alone is awfully boring.

And that boredom is the reason why I'm currently still running. I was training myself. Who would have thought that one day I would actually start running and working out for fun! The things being bored does to me... I stopped running when I saw a marking on a tree. I did that so I would know where the pack grounds are. I knew myself good enough that I knew I wouldn't pay attention to the changing smells. The vampire clans have a stronger smell but they were far away because for some reason vampires and werewolves do hate each other, just like in the movies!

After doing some stretching it was time to go hunting. It might seem a bit gross for humans but I liked to hunt. I blamed my animal side. I smelled the air and soon found the smell of a rabbit. Better than nothing and a small animal doesn't leave much evidence about me being here. I followed the smell until I saw it. My complete attention was focused on the rabbit while I sneaked closer. Without making a single sound I jumped and catched the little animal. The rabbit didn't even realize what happened when I immediately ended its life. I didn't want my prey to suffer that's why I always killed them instantly.

The rabbit satisfied my stomach for now. So I decided it was time for a nap. I climbed into a tree and found a comfortable spot to sleep for a few hours. 

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