chapter 10

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The next day I woke up completely awake and ready to face anything that will come my way. No matter how messed up I always thought this was, it will work out. 

I'm a werecat now and if my grandmother was one then I could do this to. It was obvious that these people had waited a long time for me. Somehow this was all meant to happen. These people wanted me here to do something. I just had to find out why, what and how. A plan was forming in my head when I was getting ready for the day. 

I began to make my way towards the kitchen without watching where I was going. I have only been here a day but I knew my way around the house surprisingly well. Although that could just be because the kitchen is my favourite room in every house. It felt good to be among others again. When I was alone all the people I 'met' wanted to kill me on sight, lucky for me I'm not a bad fighter and thanks to some tactical advises from my cat I managed to kill them before they could do me serious harm, or worse, tell others about who I was. I had the advantage that they didn't even think I could actually be a real werecat, they were shocked when they saw me and that moment meant their death and my survival. While I was thinking about it, it dawned on me that I adapted quiet well to this life. This made me think, why did I adapt so well? No normal person could start hunting for their own food and start killing others so easily, right? I knew most humans were cruel, but I killed vampires with my bare hands like it was nothing!

And then I knew, my jaguar. The spirit of a jaguar inside of me. She leaded me from the start. I wasn't in control at those moments. It was her. She was just as valuable to me as the wolf spirits to the werewolves. They talked to us and lead us where we were meant to be. It was those wolf spirits who told the werewolves when they found their mate. They made the person into the wolf they are. It was the same for me. And I don't even know if she has a name! She has only spoken to me a handful of times. But she has saved my life countless of times.

These were some heavy thoughts to have during breakfast. But it reminded me that wolves learned how to communicate with their wolves. Maybe I could learn how to communicate with her? I often heard werewolves talking about how they could feel their wolf being restless or something. But I had never felt anything like that. Maybe Ralph knew more about this? Could it be different for werecats? I started to wonder where Ralph was? I started doubting myself if I misheard what he said when he walked in.

"Ah Aisla, good morning! I see you are awake. Why don't we go outside to talk? I know a silent place where we can sit and talk without being disturbed by curious wolves."

"Good morning Ralph," I greeted him. "Show me the way." He walked towards the back door of the house and went towards a bench under some trees.

"Take a seat." Ralph said. When I was seated he started talking again. "Before you ask me any questions I have a question for you." I looked up at him. I hadn't even thought properly about what I was going to ask him, I was to busy thinking about the prophecy and my family.

"Alright." I said, wondering what he wanted to know.

"Do you remember your grandmother her name? Or maybe even how she looked." This was exactly one of the things I was trying to remember but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry but I can't remember anything about her. She died before I was born." We didn't even have any pictures of her in the house, mom barely ever talked about her parents.

"Hopefully we find out more about her soon. Her heritage might tell you a lot about how strong you could be. But we aren't here to discuss that. You have some questions for me?" He asked.

"Yes, I do. Actualy I was wondering if I could get a better connection with my jaguar? I have only talked to her a handful of times." His eyes widened when I said this. Was there something wrong with this question?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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