Chapter 2: Awakening

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"Mom! Wait!" Steven said in his sleep before he jolted up. Steven put his hand through his hair as he recollected his dream, or was it more? It was hard to tell what dreams were meaningful to his real life and what wasn't anymore.

"Steven? Are you alright?" A voice came from below

"Huh? Oh, I'm alright, Pearl. Just one of those dream things," Steven chuckled nervously

"You're up late," a scratchy voice said as she jumped onto Steven's bed

"I guess I slept a bit late last night, Amethyst," Steven shrugged

"Well come on! I wanna go get the bits from the fry place!" Amethyst rushed

"Alright! Alright! Let me get ready!" Steven laughed as he hopped out of bed and began his morning routine.

"The bits aren't gonna be there forever! We gotta hurry!" Amethyst told

"Amethyst, you know the bits are going to be there at any time," Pearl chastised

"I know," Amethysts gritted her teeth and kicked at the air lightly

"I'm ready!" Steven cheered as he came out of the bathroom all dressed and clean, "To the bits!"

"To the bits!" Amethyst cheered as she grabbed Steven off the ground and ran out the door

"Amethyst! Don't drop him!" Pearl shouted after her

"The bits! The bits!" Steven and Amethyst chanted as they made their way down to the boardwalk, towards the fry shop, "Hey Peedee!" Steven greeted

"The bits!" Amethyst still chanted

"Hey, Steven," Peedee waved, "The bits are coming up," Peedee told as he went to the back of the shop towards the fryer. Loud pounding and footsteps could be heard from above.

"What's that sound? Is Ronaldo looking for parts for his UFO tracker again?" Steven asked

"No, he's going to the dump for that," Peedee told

"Ugh, I told them to keep down that racket," Mr. Fryman groaned

"Who's up there?" Steven asked

"Don't worry about it," Mr. Fryman said as he made his way up the stairs, "Hey! What did I tell you about noise-"

"Dad agreed to look after this kid who got expelled from their old school," Peedee told Steven as his dad went upstairs

"Whoa, gotta rebel up there," Amethyst chuckled, "What'd they do?"

"I dunno," Peedee shrugged as he brought the bag of bits over, "Here you go,"

"Bits!" Amethysts cheered as she grabbed a handful and shoved them in her mouth and walked away

"Do you know their name?" Steven asked

"Nope," Peedee said

"Steven! Come on or I'm gonna eat all the bits!" Amethyst called out

"Ah! Not my bits!" Steven panicked as he ran back to Amethyst

"There you are! Here, I had my fill," Amethysts handed over the almost empty bag

"Aw, there's nothing left!" Steven frowned

"No, there's like 10 or something still there," Amethyst burped, "What took you so long?"

"Oh, just asking about the new person," Steven told, looking at his feet, "Maybe I could be friends with them!"

"Eh, not sure how Pearl or Garnet would feel about you hanging out with a rule-breaker like that," Amethyst told

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