Chapter 29: Through the Window

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"How are you doing, My little Y/n?" Rose Quartz asked as Y/n approached

"I'm doing fine," Y/n replied, "Can't believe it's almost November, this month just flew by,"

"Yes, you're going back to school in two days, correct?" Rose Quartz asked

"Unfortunately," Y/n sighed, "I can't wait for winter break,"

"Well, I'm glad that you've made the most of the break you've gotten this fortnight, you've deserved it," Rose Quartz told as she began to stroke Y/n's hair, "Have you been training during your break?"

"Not really, no," Y/n shook their head, "I mean, I did some push-ups and sit ups at night since Pearl told me to work on my stomach muscles, but that's about it,"

"Good, it is a break after all," Rose Quartz giggled, "Be sure not to over exert yourself when you resume training,"

"I'll try not to," Y/n said, "But I have to prepare for the moment you were warning me about,"

"Yes, but I have a feeling it isn't for months," Rose Quartz told

"Well... I've only got six of those left," Y/n reminded, "So, it's gotta be between then,"

"It will be," Rose Quartz assured

"Alright," Y/n sighed, "Anything else I should worry about?"

"You shouldn't have to worry about a single thing," Rose Quartz assured, "Look forward to on the other hands, there are many things to look forward to,"

"Like what?" Y/n asked

"I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, now would I?" Rose Quartz giggled

"I guess not," Y/n laughed as well

"Remember, My little Y/n. You deserve to relax and have fun," Rose Quartz told, "Every moment isn't a battle,"


"Y/n, wake up. Y/n, Y/n wake up," Amethyst poked Y/n's face repeatedly as she sat on top of their stomach

"Amethyst?..." Y/n groaned as they slowly opened their eyes, "What're you doing...?"

"Dude, I'm bored. Let's do something," Amethyst said

"How'd you get in my room? The door's locked," Y/n said, unable to sit up since Amethyst was on top of them

"Your window is open," Amethyst nodded her head to the open window

"What time is it?" Y/n frowned as they grabbed their phone and checked the time, "Amethyst, it's two in the morning,"

"So?" Amethyst asked

"I have to sleep," Y/n told

"Come on, you always have to sleep!" Amethyst groaned, "Just this once!"

"Fine," Y/n sighed, "What're we doing?"

"Awesome!" Amethyst cheered, "Let's go and get some grub!"

"Seriously, food now?" Y/n questioned

"Is there ever a bad time for food?" Amethyst pushed back

"You've got me there, I think there's a 24 hour pancake house just a half mile out of Beach City," Y/n told

"I'm down for pancakes," Amethyst chuckled, "...Do you have any money?"

"Yep, I do," Y/n nodded, "Since I've been working at Funland, I've made a bit,"

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