Chapter 15: Nightmares

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WARNING: This chapter has a lot of angst and negativity, skip this chapter if you don't like that kind of stuff


"Oh, my poor Y/n," Rose Quarts pouted as she embraced Y/n tightly

"Hi, Rose," Y/n sighed as they hugged Rose Quartz back

"Your physical body isn't hurt, is it?" Rose Quartz asked

"No, it's fine," Y/n told

"It's just your mind, then?" Rose Quartz questioned as she kept her hands on Y/n's arms

"I guess," Y/n nodded

"This may seem rough, but I know how you can fix and heal your mind, as well as your bonds," Rose Quartz said, "Are you prepared to do that?"

"I think so," Y/n breathed in deeply

"You have to face your fears, Y/n," Rose Quartz told, "That's the only way for you to overcome this,"

"I know," Y/n sighed, "And I'll do it,"

"You won't have to do it alone, Y/n," Rose Quartz said, "I'll make sure of it,"

"How are you going to do that?" Y/n asked


"I'm worried about Y/n," Steven whispered as the three and a half gems looked at Y/n sleeping on the couch

"They're scared and tired... It's understandable," Pearl said

"How about no dinner for a year," Garnet said, still thinking of punishments

"You can't keep a human from eating!" Pearl reminded

"Y/n doesn't eat dinner anyway," Steven sighed, "They say that they can't afford it and Mr. Fryman and their parents won't give them money,"

"How awful," Pearl sighed, "I think just being in Beach City is punishment enough,"

"Yeah, just let it go, Garnet," Amethyst told

"Uh, guys..." Steven frowned as he looked down at his shirt, his gem shining through it, "What's going on?"

"Guys, look! Rose's room!" Amethyst pointed to the door, the pink gem on it shinned as well. The door soon disappeared to reveal a pink landscape of clouds and mountains.

"Why's mom's room opening again?" Steven frowned as he and the rest of the Gems went up to the door, peering in, they all stepped back and gasped when they saw Y/n standing not too far into the room with Pearl's sword

"Y/n! How- But- What are they- Is this?" Pearl stammered, as she ran back to the couch and saw Y/n still sleeping there, then running back to the door and seeing Y/n still standing there with a sword, "This isn't possible,"

"Well, I guess it is possible," Amethyst laughed

"Y/n!" Steven called as he ran in

"Steven?" Y/n turned around to face him

"Steven, wait!" Pearl called as she ran in after him, followed by Garnet and Amethyst

"You're all here..." Y/n whispered, "How did you get here?"

"How did YOU get here?" Pearl questioned

"I come here sometimes in my dreams... How did you get in my dreams?" Y/n asked

"Your dreams? This is Rose's room," Pearl told

"It is... Makes sense," Y/n mumbled

"What'd you say?" Pearl asked

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