My First Day Home -Holli

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I wasn't sure if I was in that tiny cage for a hour or twelve hours; I couldn't see anything through the thick blanket and tiny holes on my cage. The thing was tiny, barely big enough for me to fit inside while curled up. I couldn't straighten my legs, sit, or stand up. I relied on my sense of hearing while I held back sobbing, failing miserably. It sounded like I was in a car, with occasional, loud noises that resembled a honk. The only difference was that we seemed to be going much faster than any car I had ever been in.

My legs had become sore from being tucked up to my chest for so long. Any time before a month ago I'd have been immensely bored from the long, stimulation-free car ride, but no my fear kept me from even thinking about the lack of entertainment.

I was covered in tears from my crying by the time the vehicle stopped for the last time. I whimpered as I heard the car door open, close, then open again. I felt my cage be lifted, then carried to who-knows-where. I had to hold my breath to stop myself from screaming when I felt the movement. My crying started up as soon as I took in another breath.

I heard a door swing open and closed, then the footsteps of my captor. My cage was placed down, the blanket removed, and the top of the cage was swung open.

I cautiously peeked out of my cage and looked around. I was in a relatively large room with little decorations. It seemed like a living room, with a leather looking couch to my right and a coffee table set in front of it. everything I saw was oversized. I could easily fit under that table, but the couch seemed like a bar stool with how tall it is.

There was a TV looking object mounted on the wall above me, well beyond my reach. I could see what appeared to be a kitchen ahead of me, but a door made of metal bars blocked any entry for anyone without a key. I took notice of every window and door that led outside, despite their immense size.

After watching me for a few seconds while I looked around, the beast holding me captive walked away. He went across the living room and sat on the giant couch. I peered at him over the top of my cage before I worked up the courage to climb out. I sat back down on the thick carpet and moved against the wall. I didn't have the courage to stand and walk around yet, half scared that I'd spook him into attacking me.

My captor soon stood, startling me. I pushed myself deeper into the corner I sat in. He walked to a closed door that had been to the left of my cage and opened it. I took a glance inside and saw a small bed with pillows and blankets. By small, of course, I meant average. Everything was huge there, so what seemed tiny was perfectly normal by earth standards. I figured out immediately the room was meant for me. I resolved to not move, lest the Dog-man lock me in there.

To my surprise, he then went upstairs and didn't come back down. Was he really leaving me alone? It seemed like a rather dumb thing to do. I could easily walk away, break a window of I had to. I could find a way home, and be free. I decided to wait for a bit and see if I could escape when I was certain he'd be asleep.

It was long after dark by the time I decided to attempt my escape. Until then, I hadn't taken more than a few steps. It sounds strange, I know. You'd probably run as soon as you could, trying each and every door until you were free. But after sitting in a cage for all that time, it wasn't difficult for me to stay still for so long. During that time, not much had happened. My captor hadn't made a sound. It still seemed foolish of him to leave me uncaged, escape seemed almost too easy.

I worked up the courage to stand and look for an easy exit before I decided to break a window. I didn't take more than a few steps towards the kitchen until the back door came into view. It was a big sliding glass door. I stepped quietly, afraid creaking floors would reveal my movement. Then, I saw through the door.

I saw a dark red sky, not black like the night sky I had seen nearly every night growing up. It was still dark, but still so different than home. There were two moons, one the size of Earth's and the other half the size. The stars were much larger than the ones I had grown up watching, and were all colors, from blue to a pale pink. I was in awe until my heart dropped as I realized what this meant.

At that moment, I lost all hope of an escape. I realized how futile it would be. I was clearly very, very far from home. I had hoped all this time that I had a chance. I had assumed that I was somehow still on earth. This place wasn't even close to earth. I wouldn't know if anything was safe to eat, where to find water, or even what creatures I would find. I had zero chance of finding a way to earth. I'd have to find a spaceship going home, sneak on, and then off. I'd have to do all this without being recaptured and without knowing a word of the alien language. It was impossible. I was trapped here, forever.

I let out a loud sigh and walked away from the door. I realized I was dead tired and decided to head to bed. I could likely explore tomorrow, unless the alien upstairs had a change of heart. I shuffled past the large furniture, through giant shadows. I climbed into the bed and under the covers, reveling in the mattress. I had forgotten how nice a soft bed was, i'd slept on dirt and ragged blankets since I'd been taken. Snuggled under the cover, I was more comfortable than I'd been for ages. I slept surprisingly well that night, shocking myself with how easily I had drifted off to sleep the next morning.

Rewritten 6/21/19

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