Day 3, Exploration -Merle

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With Holli done in the bathroom, I decided to let her play out back. I needed to make a call. She seemed to expect me to follow, looking confused when I waved her off to go play alone. She walked straight to the play set, I stayed on the porch.

Once she had stepped into the bottom level of the play set, I pulled out my cellphone. First, I texted Grene and let him know how she reacted. I then called the local vet. My voice was almost shaky when I asked them to come down and explained what had happened. You'd swear she'd been injured by the way I spoke. They agreed to send a human psychologist down in an hour to analyze her behavior.

By the time I had the appointment scheduled and everything sorted, Holli had been in the maze for quite some time. It was considered simple by dog-men standards, taking children only a few minutes to complete. I decided to go fetch her. I took one step into the maze, calling her name. She called back to me, sounding distressed. I ran back out to grab a flashlight. I could easily sniff her out of the maze, but she was essentially blind. I didn't want to startle her.

I kept calling her, listening to her slowly stumble towards me while I sought her out. She eventually stumbled right into the flashlight beam, turning to look at me. She followed me right out of the maze, seemingly happy to be out of the place.

I watched her use the foraging set (I put healthy snacks inside instead of candy) for the next hour. I stopped and ordered a quick meal for the Psychologist and us to eat shortly before they arrived.

Published 11/17/18

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