Day 11, lunch -Holli

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I decided very quickly that Green was great. He wasn't like any stranger I had met before. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't as great as Merle, whom I was getting more and more comfortable with. Green was pushier, a bit quicker to touch me than Merle was. I had since accepted I was a pet now, but man, did the touching take a while to adjust to. This new dog-man touched me constantly.

Merle left me with Green while he cooked, so I spent a good half an hour with him. He was gentle, but very touchy. He touched my cheek, my nose, my arms, he even tickled my feet (yes, I am very ticklish) and looked at each of my fingers and toes.

I let him. I made my slight discomfort known, of course, but I let him. He was respectful as always, but extremely curious about me for whatever reason. He stopped whenever I got too uncomfortable (like when he touched my eyelids), moving on to something else. I quickly became curious myself, about his intentions. Nothing about him seemed malicious, he was never rough or overly intrusive .

He spoke to Merle throughout his "inspection". Merle spoke back occasionally, but not the whole time. He must have been focussing on his cooking. I wondered if they were talking about me, but had no idea what they'd be talking about it they were.

Merle finally finished lunch, so Green stopped. My dog-man brought out three plates of fantastic looking food, he brought out the big guns for this stranger. It was a delicious as it looked, the slow feeding fork was my enemy this meal. I felt like I was constantly working against the darn thing to eat faster.

Green and Merle just have found it funny, they started giggling at my struggles, laughing when I shot them a dirty look. I quickly started to blush, and within a minute we were all laughing. We were all distracted by our own laughter for a good few minutes before we had calmed down enough to resume eating our meals.

I still struggled with the fork afterwards, however. Green stopped eating, watching me for a moment. He said something to Merle, who got up and went into the kitchen. He came back with a normal fork. I was tremendously disappointed when he wouldn't give it to me, but I forgave him when he took a good bit of my food on it and offered the whole thing to me. He refused to hand me the fork, instead holding it right in front of my face. It was clear what he wanted.

I hesitated for a moment, this was going to be embarrassing. However, Merle's gentle encouragement and the delicious food won me over. I ate the fork full of food, loving it. I was happy that Merle fed me the rest of my meal. It was some of Merle's best work, I'd be hard pressed to find something tastier on earth.

Merle ate incredulously fast after I was done, clearing his plate in seconds. Green laughed at my shocked expression while Merle took our plates and washed the dishes.

Published 12/23/18
I've been trying out a new style of writing. It's more of a conversational style, as if Holli is telling you about it personally. Do you prefer this over the older, more action based, style? Comment and let me know!
Also, Holli calling Grene 'Green' is not a mistake. She doesn't know how it's spelled, just like how she thinks her name is 'Holly'. If this bothers you, I'll fix it.

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