BONUS #1 [PART 2] : Drunk Conversations

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BONUS #1 (Part 2): Drunk Conversations

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The blonde imp known as Sage Dewirth shot upright. At first, she didn't recognize where she was. Then she saw half the population of her senior class in the room and she remembered she'd dragged herself to Louie Steffenson's after party in an attempt to cheer herself up. Of course, that attempt included a fuck ton of alcohol.

But then she may have had too much tequila and passed out on the couch. Thankfully, she didn't wake up with a Sharpie dick scrawled across her forehead. She did, however, wake up to an ear-shattering chorus of chug, chug, chug.

She managed to get up and weave her way through the mass of partygoers. Being a newbie to the Steffenson estate, she tried a couple of rooms before she finally got to the empty kitchen.

Her throat felt like the Sahara and she badly needed a drink that did not contain a drop of alcohol. No siree, her alcohol threshold was filled for the night. Rummaging through the cupboards, she was getting impatient. "Where the hell are the cups?!" she stressed.

When she couldn't find any, she rushed to the sink and turned on the tap. Cup or no cup, she was getting that water in her mouth. So she leaned down and slurped directly from the faucet. Oh, if her ex could see her now.

"Better," she muttered to herself.

Having quenched her thirst, she decided to go full Goldilocks on the Steffensons and went out to find a bed.

Finding a place to continue her nap was even more challenging than her quest first water. It just seemed like every room she opened had couple in ongoing matches of naked wrestling. She was just about to throw up from the sights when she rushed up another flight of stairs.

She found herself in what seemed to be the hallway leading to the attic.

"Hmm," she mused as she walked closer to the door, "quieter up here."

The attic door creaked open and Sage tiptoed inside. She couldn't find the lights and there was only the faint shine of the setting sun illuminating the place, but as she went there to sleep, she didn't bother finding other ways of brightening up the place.

Luckily, she found a mattress on the floor with a cozy-looking duvet on top of it.

"Jackpot," she murmured to herself. She yawned and stretched before sitting on the far edge of the mattress to take her shoes and sling bag off.

For the first time that day, Sage let her shoulders slump. Now, with noise of the party barricaded at the door, the memories of her fresh breakup came flooding back to her. Diego. Even the thought of his name was enough to make her heart sink.

In the darkness where no one could see her, she finally let the hurt settle in. She finally let those stubborn tears roll down her cheek. In a burst of anger, she lied down the mattress – her back colliding forcefully with the duvet.

"GAH!" the duvet exclaimed and buckled under her.

Sage straightened back up with a shriek.

She crawled away from the mattress that the "duvet" had transformed into a boy when hit by the faint light. And it wasn't just any boy...

"Jettison!" she growled. "What are you doing here?!"

Trevor squinted at her. When he couldn't put a finger to who she was, he leaned his head to the side and asked, "Do I know you?"

Sage scoffed and wiped her face. "No," she lied and sniffled when goo threatened to run down her nose.

Trevor pouted. "Are you crying?"

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