Chapter EIGHT

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First thought was, whether Claire was going to stay in this world longer to actually meet the boy and have a little... You know... But from the ground, looking at her mother's red face and visibly dangerous horns- not really-, she knew that it wasn't gonna be possible for next whole year.

Not that she blames herself for the shit that went down. She blames the guy-she-doesnt-know-the-name-of 'cause he had her almost whipped on him.


Claire started thinking about everything while her mother yelled, pulled her up harshly, grabbed one of her ear and started dragging her inside the house. The thing, she was unfazed by this.

Her mother grabbing her rather harshly, didn't even affect her in anyway. Her mother was too weak in front of her daughter, who, not to mention was titled as 'the girl who beat up the football team captain'.

The jock of jocks. None other than the international football league player too.

That didn't help the fact that he practically did nothing when Claire was hitting him with all her might.

Claire knew better.

Caution is what she had tagged Nate Moore on.

"Didn't I tell you Marcus?! She is a disaster!" Her mom yelled, still dragging her the whole way into the living room where her father was sitting.

He looked up, eyed the two of them, and then took a sip of his coffee with a slurping sound that made Claire's mother frown.

Claire rolled her eyes at her mother's words and pulled away from her grip.




Everyone started speaking but the moment they did, they came to an abrupt stop without even finishing a word.

"What did you wanna talk?" Her mother asked, looking at him.

"No, no, what did you wanna say?" He shook his head, trying to tell her to continue whatever she wanted to speak. Because, well, if he did not let her do it, then it'll be another issue he doesn't want to deal with.

"You tell me." She insisted.

"No you do."

Claire folded her hands after dusting away a little bit of dirt from her jeans which she didn't bother to change yesterday night, and looked at them with the most boring face she could ever pull out.



"It's alright you can tell me,"

"Ok then. I'll go first." Her father sighed. He knew that she wouldn't step down without letting him speak, so he just agreed. "Niana, I know that Claire did something, but-"

"But?! It's a sin! She tried to do something she shouldn't be doing!" Her mother gasped.

"Let me spe-"

"No! You don't know what she did!" She made a terrified expression.

There it goes. His chances of speaking. He just pursed his lips and sighed, deciding on just hearing her out while Claire, on the other hand, yawned as loudly as possible.

"What did she do?"

"She tried to escape! She was climbing down that freaking pipe from her room! Oh my goodness, tell her something, Marcus, I don't want this to happen again! Oh and she fell too."

Marcus- her father- looked at Claire, as she stared at him back with a neutral face, and he was having a hard time with two ladies in the house.

"Claire did you try to sneak-"

"She did!" Her mother cut her dad's sentence off again, which only made him sigh again.

"Yeah but I wanna make sure-"

"Don't you trust me?!"

"I do, darling, I do."

"I saw her doing it!"

Claire looked back and forth from her parents and yawned again.

"Claire," he started again, and when her mother was about to speak again, he made sure to keep his voice loud and fast and so he sounded stupid completing the sentence with a rush. "Didyousneakout goodness!"

"No." Claire shrugged.

"She's lying!"

"I didn't sneak out the house, I tried sneaking out!" She yelled at the both of them, having enough of everything.

The silence settled in, with her staring hard at her dad, him looking like he was hit by a car and her mother only gasped.

"Did you see the way she talks to us?!"

"Oh please she just tried- nothing like we didn't do it when we were young-"

Claire bit her lips trying hard not to crack a smile because, well, her dad was gonna get some today.

"What did you just say?!"

She just shrugged at her parents and slowly took steps back towards her room, on the way, maybe walking into her parents' room and stealing back her phone.

One thing was for sure, the whole morny, her father never got a chance to complete speaking his words. Which didn't amuse Claire at all. Because, well, this was how they were. This was how her father liked her mother.

The two of them continued thrashing around in the living room, mostly her mom though, as her dad tried to reason with her, eventually adding a few sweet named around which Claire was really fond off.

But she'd never admit.

Just like how she'll never admit that she was already falling for the guy from the school, and his Beauty... Claire just wanted to discover how he truly was, inside out.

Oh and even the boy's name.

If she'll even remember it.

Or end up calling him a name she could just make up.

Overall, she wanted him. And that was that.






STAY TUNED! Will update soon!!!

- Shesaid_hesaid

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