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I thank the readers who appreciated my art :(

I love yall for 278k yall are insane I would have never expected this book to hit so much. It's a dream.

"I know who your dad is." Nate mumbled.

Sean's eyes widened as wide as the saucers and he gulped. "What does he have to do with anything?"

"He's rich, isn't he?"

The shorter furrowed his eyebrows and just gave a cold stare. "Why do you care about him?" Because honestly, Nate had NOTHING to do with his dad or his family. Nate was someone who he would like to shut off his personal life from. Yet, here he was, Bringing up his dad out of nowhere.

"Explain to me why you're living in this part of the town?" Nate stared back, a brow raised.

"If this conversation is about my family, then get out." Sean sneered.

"This is about you." Nate's face showed no emotions, just a hardcore stare and a tight jaw.

Sean didn't understand what anything had to do with the video he uploaded. He just wanted to live in peace and get Nate back for what he did. But right now, he couldn't believe the bully was in his house asking him about his family.

"Get out." Sean was still afraid of events taking turn and anytime Nate could throw a punch because he didn't care.

"I know your dad."

"So what?" His throat went dry. "A lot of people know my dad. You ain't different."

"He's got a partnership with my dad. He's fucking rich, why are you living in this old town where no sun shines?!" Nate growled, his words snapping Sean's mind. The brown haired fella almost lost him balance, his legs slightly wobbling.

"None. Of. Your. Business."


"Get out."

"Listen here. I can help you."

His heart beat rose. Nate can't know. "Help? What help? I don't want your fucking help."

Nate sighed, walking around and pulling up a chair to sit down because, honestly, he was tired. He didn't expect Sean to turn out to be someone like this. He was ready to kill him for the video, but.. he couldn't. Oddly.

He wiped his face in frustration. Instead of making the situation worse, Nate stood up and walked around the small house, the shorter's gaze following his every move, until a bark broke the silence and a startled Nate stopped on his tracks to look at intense eyes staring back at him.

"..A dog?" He blinks. "You can afford a dog?" He bends down to ruffle the good pup's head, eyes crinkling and a kind smile playing on his lips.

"Of course I can?" Sean frowned. "I'm not earning for nothing-"

"So you work." Nate pointed it out, as if he was noting it down in his head. "Where?" Sean stared at him for a minute, before the other looked up at him. "Where?" He repeated.

"A bakery." He huffed.

"Do you get paid enough to afford the rent and the dog-"

"And a bartender." Sean cut him off. "And on weekends, I work in a garage a few miles away." He folded his hands in front of his chest and glared at him. He didn't know why he was saying these. Nate was probably gonna spread his secrets around the school, telling everyone how exactly poor and broke he is.

"..three jobs?"

Sean sighed. "I don't pay the rent, as the owner let me loose. He's more than happy to lend me a free one bedroom apartment. So I work to pay for my.." he gulped. "Boxing classes."

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