Chapter Fourteen - Sunset

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Ok, so it's time to CELEBRATE! We have almost hit 1,000 votes! WHAT! That's insane. Seriously, let me take a minute and tell y'all how much I appreciate your support. Because I really do. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I am going to keep saying it over and over. I could not do this without you! THANK YOU!!

Keep being freaking amazing!


I awoke what felt like not much longer, but when I looked outside I realized I had fallen asleep for a few hours. The sun well into its descent, leaving shadows in its wake. When I saw this, I jolted upright and looked around. Zane and Tahlia were in the middle of the room, organizing wood around a roaring fire. At my sudden movement, they both glanced in my direction.

Zane spoke up. "Glad to see you're awake. Enzo's skinning some rabbits right now. When he's done and Tahlia cooks it, we'll have some food."

I looked at the pair in front of me. They were clearly at ease, their backs to me and the door. It set me at ease as well, knowing they weren't afraid.

"Thanks," I started, my mind still recovering from sleep.

"How are you feeling?" Tahlia asked.

I smiled. "Better. I needed sleep, you were right."

"She's always right," Zane taunted.

Tahlia shot him a glance. "I am, and you better not forget that."

The two laughed. A pain suddenly shot through my heart as I remembered my own family, especially Will. My mind threatened to take me to the possibilities of his fate alone with James, but I was pulled from my thoughts as the door suddenly opened, revealing Enzo. He carried two rabbits, though you could hardly tell that's what they were anymore. All the skin was ripped away, revealing only the muscle and tissues underneath. His bloodied hands held them up proudly.

Tahlia shot up from her position and greeted Enzo, taking the two animals by a leg. She returned to the fire and sat with her back to me once more. Enzo wiped his hands a couple times on his jeans, red streaks leaving their mark in the blue denim. He noticed me watching and smiled.

"Have you ever eaten wild animal?"

I smiled, though I'm sure came out as more of a grimace. "Nope. Don't have a lot of experience with blood and guts."

He laughed, a loud and booming noise. "It's messy business, that's for sure." As he was speaking he came and sat next to me, though I noticed he stayed a good distance away. "How are you feeling?"

I opened my mouth, but Zane cut me off. "She said she's fine and Tahlia's always right."

Enzo raised his eyebrow at me and I laughed. "I really did need sleep."

He nodded his head, bringing a knee up to rest his elbow on. "You only got a few hours, you might want to think about getting more."

"Maybe," I mused.

I thought about his proposition, glancing again to the window. The sun was dangerously low and if it wasn't for the rabbit, I knew I'd be gone already. I reached for my backpack while I thought, pulling out Kade's jacket. It was already getting cooler.

"How'd you fare last night with the cold?" Zane piped in, crawling to sit next to Enzo against the wall. Tahlia listened in, though she continued to focus on the rabbits.

"Well, I have two jackets and extra socks, so I did fine. I kept moving and I think that's what helped the most."

"You could be a world-class explorer," Zane laughed. "Are you ever going to stop moving?"

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