Chapter Forty-Five - The Pack House

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"What the hell was that?" I bit out as soon as Payton disappeared into the trees.

I would say Samuel stiffened again, but his body never ceased its tension. He ignored my question and called out into the trees for Raven. She immediately reappeared, eyes darting behind her and back to Samuel, who didn't miss a beat. "Stay. I need help with Samantha."

Raven nodded and came to my side, putting her arm around my waist as Samuel removed his. He walked to the edge of the clearing, practically stalking the entire time. When he reached Will's body, he picked him up without hesitation.

"Wait," I called to him, tripping over Raven as I tried to walk. He paused, and I hesitated, not sure what I was going to say before it left my lips. "Don't let him hurt you."

Samuel shook his head and walked back toward us, slinging Will's body across one of his shoulders. "He's going to be out for a while, Samantha." He paused next to the two of us, glancing warily around the clearing. It was deathly quiet for a few moments as he listened intently to every piece of the forest. Eventually, he sighed. "Do you hear anything, Raven?"

She fervently shook her head. "No."

"What did you smell when you were out there?"

"Just our pack. Payton and the others."

Samuel's brow furrowed, bringing me back to my earlier question. I looked at Samuel, expectantly. "What just happened? What's going on?"

He looked at me, but for once, I could tell nothing from his face. It was hard, cold, and emotionless. Samuel ignored my question again, adjusted Will on his shoulders, and walked past the two of us.

"I'm going first. You two stay directly behind me. Don't leave my side for any reason. Understand?"

Raven instantly voiced her compliance, but I could only nod my head. My thoughts were swimming with the encounter earlier, and I wasn't given any time to sort through the currents. That, and the minute Raven acknowledged Samuel, he began moving. Raven darted forward, and I was forced to stumble alongside her. She held most of my weight, as any pressure I put on my ankle was enough to send me to the ground.

The minutes spent getting back to the entrance of the forest were torture. None of us spoke, and the tension in the air was enough to drive me insane. Anxiety crippled what was left of my body, and with any snapping of a twig, any rustle of the trees, another wave of apprehension followed. Samuel had sent the others ahead to make sure it was safe, but that hadn't guaranteed anything. There was no promise, that at any moment, shots wouldn't ring through the air, again.

But, they never did. We ended up on the edge of the forest unharmed. As Samuel has demanded, a car was waiting for us at there. There was no one else around, but the car was running and ready for us to take. He didn't waste a second in leading us to it, and after he scanned the interior, he opened the back door and laid Will across the seats. He took up the entire back row, so the only place left for the three of us was the front.

Samuel opened the passenger door, jutting his chin towards the opening. Raven carried me forward and the two of them helped me slide into the middle seat. The movements sent waves of pain crashing around almost every part of my body, but I refused to acknowledge them. I bit down hard on my lip and kept my breathing steady, keeping myself distracted with counting my breaths. It only took a few of them for Raven and Samuel to follow me into the car. 

Samuel got into the driver's seat while Raven positioned herself between me and the door. She inched herself as close to the door as possible, eliminating any space between her and the tinted window. There were a few inches of space between me and her, but as soon as Samuel settled in, space was gone. The car wasn't large, and three people weren't mean to sit up front.

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