Chapter Forty-Two - We Followed the Screams

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We followed the screams.

It was harder than I thought it would be. Will's cries could be heard clearly from outside the apartment buildings, but hearing them wasn't the problem. The problem was that they were distant, almost an echo, and seemed to surround us at every angle. If it weren't for Raven, I would have been lost in finding where they were ultimately coming from.

We darted through the streets, my footsteps at Raven's ankles. She didn't mind but even pulled me closer to her, at times. We found strength in each other. My weaknesses were her strengths, and it seemed the other way around, too. When she'd hesitate, I'd push forward. When I was too reckless to regard danger, she had already searched for it. 

The one thing I hadn't lied to Raven about was the fact that I needed her. She led the way, as it was easy for her to pinpoint the direction of the noises. I followed closely behind, not only because she could hear Will, but also because I had no idea where we were. When Samuel brought me home from the hospital, I hadn't bothered paying attention. At that point, I was so drugged up, so tired, and so defeated, I didn't see a point. And now, I was paying for it.

Raven's gaze again darted around a corner, her mouth pressed into a thin line. The coast was clear, as usual, but that didn't stop her from shaking her head and muttering to herself. She'd repeated this phrase almost every minute since we'd left the apartment, and after a while, it was too hard to drown out.  

"This is too easy."

Though at first, I denied it, I had to admit Raven was right. It was late, and no one would normally be awake at this hour, but our flight from the apartment had almost been too easy. The fact that we hadn't encountered a single soul in almost the hour that we'd been following Will's screams was enough for even me to question. I wanted desperately to ignore this pressing thought, but my brain wouldn't allow it. Not only that, but Raven reminded me every few feet. Each time she reminded me, another thought struck my core. 

There should have been someone else watching us. The door should have been more enforced. We should have been caught. 

But, we weren't. And though my mind screamed at me to think about my actions, I wouldn't. I forced the anxiety and panic from my chest, telling myself that at this point, it was too late to turn back. And though the odds were stacked against us in every way possible, I let myself believe that maybe, just maybe, something was going to go right. That maybe there was some high and mighty being that decided to finally give me a break and allow me to save my brother.

Raven pulled me into another back alley, where she scanned the area around us. When she was satisfied, we walked halfway down the street and stopped next to a dumpster. I waited, impatiently, as she surveyed the area once more. It was hard to have patience with Raven's constant caution when I wanted so desperately to sprint in the nearest direction I thought Will would be. However, she never took a step without first deciding where that step would lead.

Our bodies were plastered against the green metal, attempting to blend into the surface. I had to hold back from rolling my eyes because this was how we'd been moving the entire night. Though I was appreciative that Raven was careful, it was beginning to wear on my nerves. 

I counted another minute before I finally huffed and turned to face her. "Raven," I harshly whispered. She whipped her gaze to mine, the streetlights from the end of the corner illuminating her wary expression. "We're never going to make it at this rate."

She started to speak, but abruptly shut her mouth. Her gaze turned back to the street, but not before she pressed her fingers harshly against my lips. I watched the spot she was looking, but when nothing appeared, I rolled my eyes and pried her hand away from my mouth.

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