Pig of the family

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*I don't own all the characters, most of them belong to Stephenie Meyer.*


 Alexis's POV:

 “Mr. and Mrs. Cortez, I'm honestly very surprised that Lucia is apart of this, she's one of our best students. We've never had any problems with her, that is why I'm prepared to let her off easy. But as for Alexis, who has surely taken 20 years off my life since starting here, needs structure, discipline and possibly even electroshock therapy.” Our principle, Mr. Bender, continued his lecture, while pacing back and forth in his small, cramped office. He was literally blue in the face.

My sister and I have been sitting in Voldemort’s office for about the past hour or two listening to him complain about us, well mostly me, to my parents.

My dad wasn’t paying any attention to him, as usual, and was half asleep in his chair.

Our mom was listening to every word the smurf had to say, as usual, and kept elbowing my dad awake every time Bender turned his back to us.

“I have given her many chances to improve her lack of humanity,” Voldemort aggressively spat out as he jabbed a large beefy finger in my directon. “But she has been acting more like the devil each day. I’m sorry to say this, but Lucia will be suspended for a week. On the other hand, I'm more than happy to say that Alexis is expelled from this school!”


 The car ride home was really silent. Not as usual.

As soon as we stepped through the front door mom broke the silence. “Go to your room. Your father and I will be up in a second.”

“Can’t we eat first?” I asked hopeful.

“Alexis. Room. Now.” Mom ordered in her ‘don’t-mess-with-me’ mom look.

“Yes mom.” Lucia and I mumbled walking slowly up the stairs. While I walked up the stairs I saw mom stomping into the kitchen and took a bite out of an apple. That’s unfair!

Once Lucia and I went into our room, I fell down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. “Mom is so unfair. She can eat, but I have to starve to death.”

Lucia laughed and fell down on her bed. “Lex, you ate two hamburgers just an hour ago.”

“An hour? Are you nuts?” I asked sitting up and looked at my crazy sister like she was…well…crazy. “It was two hours ago, not one.”

Lucia rolled her eyes. “I cannot believe we’re related.”

“Oh shut up.” I joked, lying back down. “You love me and you know it.”

Lucia was about to respond, but was interrupted by our parents coming into our room. “I am very disappointed in you two. I thought I raised you better than this.” Mom always starts her lectures like that.

“Obviously not.” I muttered under her breath.

“What did you two do anyway?” Dad asked, clearly amused.

“It’s a long and complicated story, but you should know Alexis blackmailed me into it.” Lucia answered.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to dad. “But I can say that it involved peanut butter, a blowtorch, a bowling ball and a lot of blue stuff.” I added.

“Wow,” Dad said deep in thought. “Why didn’t we think of that in my school days?” 

“John!” Mom scolded. “Don’t encourage this.”

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن