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Alexis's POV:

 “Pass the cotton candy please.” I asked the 5 foot tall gingerbread man sitting across from me at a huge chocolate dining room table.

The room we were in was filled with all kinds of junk food. You name it, and its here. All the furniture was made of candy. Even the room. Now this is my kinda place.

“Blue, pink or green?” The friendly, delicious looking gingerbread man asked me, his white icing lips curled up in a huge smile.

“All of them of course.” I replied excitedly.

The big ginger bread man passed me the three chocolate bowls filled with cotton candy. I ate and ate but nothing finished. “I’ve been eating candy for what feel like hours, and I don't feel like puking.”

Someone next to me snorted. I turned and saw it was a giant, rainbow colored swirly lollipop. “Nobody gets sick in Happyland,” It explained. “Here we don't have to worry about nutrition and parents forcing us to eat our vegetables.”

“Yup, definitely my kind of place.” I said, taking a big bite out of a giant chocolate chip cookie. So gooooood….

“Alexis!” the ginger bread man called.

“Alexis!” the swirly lollipop called.

“Alexis!” the calls sounded louder each time. And each time the voice sounded more familiar…

“Alexis, Wake up!” The voice was really clear now. And loud.

“Go away.” I grumbled and pulled the covers over my head, concentrating hard to go back to my dream.

“Come on!” The voice cheerful urged. “You can’t sleep the whole day. We have to explore the new town a little.”

“Not this early.” I replied grumpy and waved off the person.

“Early? You have got to be kidding me.” The person pulled open the curtains and the sun streamed in. “It’s two in the afternoon!”

I groaned. “And your point is?”

I heard the person sigh. “You are hopeless.”

When I didn’t respond I heard footsteps. Thinking the annoying cheerful person left, I smiled satisfied and continued sleeping. Until I felt the mattress move. And before I knew what was going on, I ended on the floor with the mattress landing on top of me. I looked up at the person, who had had smirk on her face.

“I hope you go bald.” I groaned at my annoyingly cheerful sister, still half asleep.

“I hope they cancel Top Gear.”

That woke me up. “Take that back!”

She smirked. “Make me.”

I got out from under the mattress and chased after my sister. She ran out of my room and down the hallway and then down the stairs, with me right behind her. She stopped at the front door and opened it to run outside, but she never got the chance to run.

I tackled her and we both fell on the grass in our front yard. We were rolling around on the ground trying to pin each other down. When we stopped rolling, I was sitting on top of her and she had me by my hair and I quickly grabbed a hold of hers.

“What are you two doing?” I heard someone ask. It sounded like mom.

Lucia and I both looked up, but not letting go of each others hair. Mom and dad stood there with a few big, shirtless, tanned guys. They all looked at us amused.

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)Where stories live. Discover now