III. I am sorry

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As I continued my plan on stealthily escaping my maids every afternoon nap, I had no idea that they already found out about my absence and the whole mansion turned into a chaos. I don't have any idea that I made my parents worried sick because of me and thinking that I was kidnapped under their nose.

I have really no idea..... until now.

When all the people started to flip the mansion upside down just to find me, I already found the library and the one holding the door knob was actually my sweet older brother, Christopher who was inside the library while I am trying to go inside.

When I learned about this, I was punished by him.

He found me when he opened the door of the library while I was trying to reach the door knob. He was surprised for a second before he lifted me up and setting me on his lap, not in a sitting position but in a prone position.

I wailed under his grasp as he repeatedly spanks my butt and telling me over and over how bad I am, making both our parents and the people inside the mansion worried about my safety.

I knew I was wrong for making all of you worry bout..... Should you really hit a one year old child's butt because of her curiosity?

He's too heartless! Did you know that I'm a fragile young lady? And it really hurts, you know!

Our parents found us in that situation; they got really angry at him. Asking him why he always bullied me and now he even hurts me while they were actually crazily looking for me. They even thought that it was his fault why I disappeared.

I feel sorry for him, but he never says anything to retort or correct our parents. He just kept silent while looking down, clenching his fist really hard as his nails pierced his palm and blood flow from it. I want to open my mouth, but I was easily shut by them (parents) telling me that I should not be afraid of my brother, that they are now here and he can't hurt me anymore.

It's my fault and guilt is eating me. If I didn't leave without notice, this won't happen.

I want to stop my parents because they are too harsh on him when he didn't do anything wrong. He remained silent until our parents let him go back to his room to confine him as a punishment.

I really feel guilty.

So, when I saw my parents that are now calmed, I told them in a teary eyed that they shouldn't punish Chris niisama because he didn't do anything wrong. Yes, he hits me, but it was my entire fault in the first place. My own mistake, but my brother suffered.

Thinking his punishment makes me shudder. Not only was he confined until they say so, but he will not have dinner tonight. But when I told this to my father, he seriously answered me that his punishment is already light

What? Having no dinner was light?If I skip once, I felt I was dying... and my brother is still growing up, a six year old kid. Foods are necessary for his growth, but now he can't even have his dinner because of me.

I needed to tell the truth. No matter what, I needed to defend for my brother. This is all for food, and food is important.

I knew from the start that Chris niisama is jealous of me. He is a mothercon in the first place and knowing that since I was born, mother's attention focus on me. Of course he will resent me. But he is in fact a child and still growing and needed proper guidance. Someone needs to tell him that this world not only revolves around him and he needed to grow up... he needs someone, he needs me.

"Youw wong! Kwis niishama ish owly wowiid abawt me....'cosh I liib my woom" 

My parents were surprised to my baby talk—I mean, to what I said, but when they saw the burning determination in my eyes, they knew I was not lying and I wanted to protect my own brother or... maybe because of my baby word that they can't understand me. Sigh. Sorry for my baby language. No matter how I tried to speak straight, my tongue will always twist.

"But princess, Chris hurt you" my mom told me, gently while I'm on her lap and hugging her.

"Yesh becosh Shelin ish bad" I tilted my head, "Shelin ish bad and niishama owli lekchul me sho Shelin will liirn"

I look seriously at my father, "Daddy pliish don't be harsh to niishama. Niishama ish a good boy and Shelin wants to be layk niishama"

After minutes of persuading, they finally listened to me and believe that my brother only lectured me for being a bad girl but they will not lift up their punishment. No matter what, Chris oniisama still hurts me. As his little sister and a fragile young lady, hurting someone like me is not what a gentleman should do. Sighing too deep, I gave up and left them to look for my brother. I will try a little coaxing on him because I knew he was sulking in his room.


I asked the maid for my brother's room key. I knew that he won't open the door if it's me behind the door.

When I opened the door, it's eerily silent. I felt a negative feeling around the room and my brother is being possessed by an evil spirit.


It's only dark and too silent that even your breathing can be heard. The windows are closed and the lights are off.


I went to his bed thinking he might be there, but I saw nothing. I tried to look under the bed, the cabinets, but I can't find him until the door connects to his bathroom opened and revealing a very hot, wet looking ikemen with only a towel covering his lower part.

I blush. I knew how handsome my brother is with his dark blue hair like the night sky, his indigo blue eyes, his handsome yet immature face.... For sure, when he grows up, he will capture every young lady's heart with his good looks.

"Celine? Why are you here?"

I tilted my head and blush realizing that I was mesmerized by my own six years old brother. My gosh!

"I—uh, sowy" I said while fidgeting my little hands and looking down.

For unknown reason, my brother turned bright red as he gazes at me then look to his side while pinching his nose before he click his tongue.

"Do I have a choice? No matter what I do, you are still my ugly little sister"

"HUH? Whosh ugly, niishama?" I said while puffing my cute face then he laughs at me while pinching my cheek. It hurts you baka[1] niisama!


I slowly lift my lips. I felt that because of this, my brother and I will become closer to each other and this is my first step for that to happen.



[1] baka means idiot/fool

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