LXXIV: The Third Trial: Magic

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I want to thank everyone for your comfort. I really appreciate it.

I'm still trying to recover from my loss dog and still misses him. I even deny that he was not dead and that he was only sleeping or hiding under the bed but I need to understand that he is no longer here and time will heal all the heartaches I felt from losing my baby Choco.

Wherever you are baby Choco, I hope the place you were right now that you will no longer suffer from any pain and will be happy. And remember that I will always love you. I miss you baby.


After the two tests held in a cliff, we now saw the academy itself. It's  a majestic old castle with a Harry Potter ambience beyond a foggy clouds but as we approach closer, the ala Harry Potter academy from afar become Barbie like castle, it's  colored on more pink and violet with touch of glittering gold and gems and the castle was surrounded by different kinds of flowers.

When I first saw the academy, my first thought was to scream like a real fan of Harry Potter for thinking that I can also study in Harry's school of Magic but when I saw the real image of the academy, oh okay no need to go crazy with pink. I'm not saying that I hate pink but in fact I actually like pink yet thinking that I'm  going to study in a Barbie's castle for six years then compare it to Hogwarts, as a fan it is a big blow to me. What a disappointment.

We were lead in a building were the third and last test will be held. There is a big screen, or more like a holographic style of screen, just outside the building and we were told that all the results will be displayed there. They explained that the tests has composed of six hours which mean that by the end of the test, it's already dinner. There are two groups: the physical and mental test. Not because it's called physical or mental, the test will be different but quite the opposite. Like a futuristic  modern technology of VRMMORPG, we will take the capsule and the content of the exam categorized according to the path chosen by the student. If the students are categorized to physical force then he/she is a fighter and her/his exam will focus more on physical limit of the body while the other one which is the magical force will focus on mental limit of a person. My oniisama once told me that exam content changes each year but according to him no matter how the content changed, the level of difficulty never changes and only those legendary figures can reach the level 10 exams. Oniisama was a great figure but he told me that he can only finish or reach level 8 while father told me before that he atleast reach level 9 but never stayed in that level for one second before he vomits blood and fainted and was forced to leave the capsule. By their experience we can understand how difficult the exams is.


When Celine and her friends entered the examination room and took the test, Tanya and Michelle were left behind since they were a year advanced than the former.

"I'm bored. Are we really going to wait for them for six hours? You know waiting is not on my vocabulary" Michelle complained but only cold stare was Tanya's answered. "Do you have any facial expression aside from that cold face of yours? Oh wait. I remeber before that you used to blush. When were was that hmmm let me think. Oh right! I remember. That was our first time to register as an adventurer years ago. Come on Tanya babe, do you  like that beastman?"

Tanya flushed yet her voice is as cold as ice. "Shut up. Your noisy"

"Eh. Eh. Eh" Michelle got excited when she saw the red face of Tanya. "You're blushing! OMG! You're blushing! I should take you a photo. Oh! I forgot that there is no camera here. No wait, I've got magic stone here that can capture pictures. Where was that" Since Michelle was excited to capture Tanya's expression, when she was looking for the magic stone she carelessly bought it out and it fell from her hand.

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