Side Story 4: Christopher part 2

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I cried while writing this 😢😢


I always observed my sister since we became close. I always doted her and gives everything she wanted. I literally spoil her because I wanted and cherish her innocent smile that brightens my day.

Due to my responsibility as an heir to the dukedom, when I turned six, I started schooling in Royal Academy at Capital. It is a dormitory type of school for children of nobility and royalty and since then, my time with my little sister decrease.

I always think about my little sister while I'm there. There were literally no hours that I will not think about her; what she's doing, what she eats, and what cute dress she wears.

I really love my sister.

Whenever I left home to school, I always asked Kyle to take care of Celine in my stead. I am satisfied with his job as he always accompanies her in her daily activities.

I learned from Clarissa, the family head maid, that Celine undergo in a harsh training together with Kyle. I was shock and frightened at the same time, my little princess trained under father! Is father going to kill her?

I know how harsh father is when it comes to martial arts and swordsmanship training because I also trained under his guidance, that's why, when I heard about Celine hellish training, I immediately make a visit to father's office and ask him if he eat the wrong medicine fir him to allow our princess to study physical force.

Father answered me that it was Celine's idea. He was also distressed when she requested sbout this but because we knew about Celine's result in her awakening, I eventually accepted this and continues watching her.

Years by years passed by and I saw the improvement of her training and even I was stunned about her training results and proud for her. My little sister is a real prodigy! Those who look down on her, I just wanted to say, 'who you! The real genius is here!'.

I was happy seeing my siblings' closeness. How Celine took care of Kyle and vice versa. They are really cute to watch especially the possessiveness of my little brother.

I even laugh at him whenever he glared at me if Celine gives me a hug and kiss.

They are really sweet to each other yet everything change.

When Coleen's birthday arrives, my siblings were sweet and close yet after the party, they were in cold war.

What happened?

I ask Jane what was wrong and when I heard about it, I laugh at their silliness. How childish.

I talk to Celine about it then she eventually nodded and accepted Kyle's apology.

I thought everything is gonna be okay but something happened at the royal tea party.

I saw everything what happened and planned to help my sister and scolded Kyle for his stupidness but the King arrives.

Even if I didn't saw anything, I knew Celine and she will not hurt someone because of little misunderstanding and childishness.

Celine is mature enough not to argue with other children of her age because of their own silliness.

She's not stupid just like what they thought her to be.

I can't understand why Kyle believes that girl when she's only a stranger to him while she doesn't believe his own blood sister. They grew up together and yet he doesn't know what character his own sister is.

When I saw Celine left the King's study, I saw how down she is. Without second thought, I pull her to my arms and embrace her.

I know what she needed the most and it is someone who believes and trusts her... and a shoulder she can rely on.

Kyle is really stupid.

What's so good about that crybaby over my sweet and honest little sister?

She can't even compare to Celine's hair strand yet Kyle sided her. How stupid he is, indeed.

But even how stupid Kyle is, I still wish that they'll reconcile. I don't want to see them ignoring each other and look at each other as if they were stranger. They are siblings, for pete's sake.

But they needed time to cool off and I know Celine. They will eventually reconcile and settle this misunderstanding because Celine is a kindhearted person and will not allow to lengthen this cold war.

Months later and their cold war is still ongoing. I wanted them to be okay but I can't force them. I love both of them that's why it was hard for me to see them like this.

I heard Celine went to Kano Town after her etiquette training ended. She and her friends will try to experience the life of an adventurer as she says and I was glad for her since I know how she feels suffocated inside the mansion being together with Kyle.

I learned from mother's letter that Kyle decided to continue his basic knowledge at Royal Academy to give Celine a breathing space. He's really sensitive but why does he not feel something was off with the crybaby girl at the tea party? I learned that she's also the reason of Celine and Kyle's first argument. What so good about her? I'm curious.

While walking in the hallway, I heard the cases happening at Kano Town.

Kano Town? Hmmm... Sounds familiar. Wait. Isn't the place where Celine currently at?!

Sh*t! She's in danger!

Without second thought, I travel from Fiore Country to Kano Town of Ishgar Kingdom. The distance between two countries is too large yet I did not hesitate because Celine's safety is my priority.

I change portal to another portal just to arrive on time and save my little sister from danger despite knowing how expensive to travel using teleportation portal. For Celine's sake, nothing is expensive.

But something happened.

It never occurred to me that I will be surrounded by bandits.

I can fight them and even escape unscathed if I am calm and cool but because I was anxious for Celine's safety, I got injured and my fighting skill were flawed and showed my weaknesses until my body tired out.

I was shot by an arrow and fell on the cliff because of my carelessness.

Mother, father, your son is really sorry that he can no longer continue and inherit the dukedom, that I can no longer shows and proves to you that I will be a good Duke Valkhyne someday like what I promise.

Kyle please let down your pride and apologize to your sister. I don't think I can still do my responsibility as an older brother to the both of you and protect the family. I will pass this task to you. Protect them and fulfill this one last wish of mine with all your heart.

Celine, my princess, oniisama feel sorry to you because oniisama can't come and rescue you while you were in danger. Oniisama wishes that you'll be safe wherever you are as oniisama might no longer be able to protect you like what I promise... please remember what oniisama told you before; be happy and enjoy life.

I love you all and I am sorry.

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