Chapter 6

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Amy roamed around the first floor. She was lost. Again. Her head was no longer spinning and she frowned as she realised that she might not even find the canteen before the break was over.

A loud crash from nearby startled her and Amy rushed to see the reason of the disruption of her thoughts. Amy ducked quickly as a table flew over her head and smashed into the wall behind her. Peeking out of the corner of the door, her eyes widened as she looked at the source of the chaos erupting around her.

Looks like she had thought wrong, for she had managed to find the canteen. Unfortunately, it wasn't somewhere where people were consuming their breakfasts peacefully, sitting in their own cliques and gossiping about their latest interests. Instead, insults, objects and punches were being thrown from all around the canteen.

"You stupid cheese head! How dare you insult our pack?" A girl shouted, before throwing a block of cheese towards a scrawny boy.

"You sissy knights! Don't abuse our pack member like that!" Another boy said, throwing few cherry tomatoes back at the girl.

"Don't call us sissy knights, you cockroach legs!" The girl shouted. Amy's eyes widened as she saw a cockroach flying through the air before landing near her feet. She jumped back, before realising that it was only a fake, plastic cockroach.

Surprised (and slightly frightened) by the atmosphere in the canteen, Amy took wide steps backwards until she found herself in another long corridor which was nowhere near the canteen. Letting out a sigh of relief, she leaned on one of the countless lockers that lined the corridor.

It was a plain grey colour, stacked in front of walls filled with colourful graffiti. Amy closed her eyes contentedly. Peace. That was exactly what she wanted after looking at the chaos at the canteen. If that was how it was every day, Amy could not imagine even stepping foot into the canteen to get food during her 'breaks'.

"Amy?" A voice called out and Amy turned to her side. A smile graced her lips as she saw Liann rushing towards her.

"Liann!" she said, letting out a deep breath before pulling away from the locker she had been leaning against.
"Have you seen the canteen? It's crazy in there!"

Liann nodded. "I know! It looks like some kind of food machine erupted in there. There was food everywhere! Luckily, Zach and Jared managed to get most of them to clear everything. By the second 'break', the canteen would look brand new," she said excitedly.

"Zach and Jared?" Amy asked, confused.

"Oh right! You don't know them! Zach and Jared are basically the most popular boys in the school. They both hate each other, though. You don't really want to mess with them," Liann explained. Amy nodded. She did not want to create trouble, especially in her first week.

Suddenly, a thought came to her mind.

"Wait... Jared? You mean, Jared Field?" Amy asked curiously.

Liann nodded. "Yup. That's the guy. How do you know him?"

Amy smiled. "He is my cousin. After all, my full name is Amy Field," she said.

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